It's all about ...YOU!
Close your eyes for just a minute... or two. will be along?....
... just a minute or two...
Close your eyes and...think back...
to when you were about 9 to 12 years old.
What did you think was the most...
Easy for my's gonna take
more than a couple of minutes. Why? O, come on..
you know why...'cause imma ol' lady...that's why.
How old...? maybe I'll disclose that later..
or not..

"IT" being... the TV
...well, this isn't the actual TV...but it looks a LOT like
...well, this isn't the actual TV...but it looks a LOT like
the one I watched when I was about 10-12 years old.
Some of the TV shows that I thought were
back then... back in the day..

The original Lassie...
Lassie was a really cool dog. Of course,
I wanted one just like her. But, even cuter..
was Timmy...the young boy that lived with Lassie!
Lassie was a really cool dog. Of course,
I wanted one just like her. But, even cuter..
was Timmy...the young boy that lived with Lassie!

The first Mickey Mouse Club...
This was a variety show for young kids. I think
I sang the everytime
the show came on.
This was a variety show for young kids. I think
I sang the everytime
the show came on.

I watched many of the
Hanna Barbera cartoons... but,
Augie Doggie was my favorite..
At this same time, there was "Quickdraw McGraw",
Yogi and BooBoo, Top Cat...and many others.
Still... Augie Doggie was the BEST!
At this same time, there was "Quickdraw McGraw",
Yogi and BooBoo, Top Cat...and many others.
Still... Augie Doggie was the BEST!
These are just 3 of the many TV shows
that I watched when growing up. I have to
I watched quite a lot of TV....
back in the day...
It would be SO fun to hear what
TV shows you watched while growing up...
but...before you were a teenager.
What TV shows did you think were absolutely...
Now this may surprise I went to boarding school there was no TV, it wasn't until I came home that I would see episodes of Lawrence Welk or Dr Kildaire. I think those were the only ones my Nanny watched. I did not begin to watch T.V till I was in my 40's. I really was a book worm...The ones you mentioned Annie, I can't say I ever saw them..
how are we supposed to remember anything before we were teenagers? I don't think we had a TV but one time we went to California to visit an Aunt and Uncle rich doctor type, and they had a color TV. I will never forget how astounded I was when Bonanza came on Sunday night and you could watch the screen burning away! Wow that was cool.
I think my favorite tv show at that age was the Wonderful World of Disney. I also remember telling my parents I could not go to bed until after Lassie waved good-bye at the very end of the show - lol!
My folks were so convinced that books were better than TV, that they put the lil black and white tv in the closet, and only brought it out for special shows! LOL I can remember being pretty little and they got it out to see the funeral for John F Kennedy. When I started dating my hubs, he was astounded that I didn't know the shows and movies like he did!! (He loved Top Cat and Bonanza the best!)
Jacque in SC
I'm 56 years old and I remember those shows.
My favorites were, Lost in Space, The Big Valley, Batman, Mod Squad and The Flintstones.
I loved westerns (tomboy and horse crazy) - Bonanza and The Virginian(oh - young Clint Eastwood). Disney shows were pressed upon us. I remember Soup Sales' kid's variety show - loved the pie in the face.
Let's see - Bewitched, Lost in Space, Gilligan's Island, Art Linkletter, Lawrence Welk (okay - that wasn't really my choice - my grandma made us watch that one with her, but I did enjoy the Lennon Sisters!), Fractured Fairy Tales and Dudley Dooright - Oh, My! You have all of us showing our ages!
Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane!
Oh, P.S. - that is exactly like the first color T.V. I ever watched at my grandmother's house - we thought she was really "Up-town" with the beautiful console model that took up half of the living room - lol!
I liked Rocky & Bulwinkle, The Millionair and The Loretta Young Show. Am I old or what?
Now let me see if I can trump you guys!
We watched The Real McCoys ("hesh up, Little Luke!"), American Bandstand, Top Cat, The Donna Reed Show, The Restless Gun, Palladin, Have Gun/Will Travel, The Cisco Kid, Sky King, Father Knows Best, Hazel. And what was that one with Lloyd Bridges, he was a deep sea diver. The Three Stooges - I can't stand them now! Nyuk nyuk nyuk
I've probably crossed a decade with some of these, but they're ones I remember well.
I liked the Westerns,of course, and Lawerance Welk and Disney. The local show(up in the state capital) was Forman Scotty and the Circle 4 Ranch. Got to see that one at the channel 4 station and was SOOOOOOOO disapointed. Not a real barn at all. It was painted CARDBOARD!!!!!
When I was really young I enjoyed cartoons and westerns with Roy Rodgers, Gene Autry, etc. They came on in 15 minute segments between cartoons. That really dates me.
Can't believe no one has mentioned Lumpy, Eddie, Larry et al.... "Leave it to Beaver" was my fav. show:) All seasons are out now in DVD and I'm introducing it to the next generation - my daughter. She loves it. Good, clean, fun family entertainment. A bit hoky - yes, who really cleans the house in high heels and pearls!!
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