I remember these days... and this illustration still lacks a few
things that moms do on a daily basis.

O...sigh...it's been awhile since I held one of my own children...
like this
things that moms do on a daily basis.

O...sigh...it's been awhile since I held one of my own children...
like this

It was definitely one of my favorite things in the
to rock my babies to sleep. Yeah, maybe I was spoiling myself.
I almost always held them until they fell asleep. Then, I laid them in their crib.
I'm not saying I was the best mom...or even a great mom...just because
I held them to sleep. It was...I think, as much for my emotional peace
as it was to relax them. I felt connected to them.
The following is one of my favorite poems. It was a reminder to
to me of how to prioritize...
Cleaning and cooking can wait 'till
For babies grow up, as I've learned
to my sorrow.
So, quiet down cobwebs, dust go to
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't
Holding babies, rocking babies....
does this bring back any
"Mothering...Grandmothering" times that you let responsibilities go...
and just enjoyed a "baby moment(s)"

Mothers (and, Grandmothers) know what's important!
If you would be so kind as to leave a comment?
Maybe share with us your thoughts?
If you do.. YOU could win a Mom's Day gift..
for YOU or someone special YOU know...
This really fun book!
It has clear iinstructions on how to
wrap a baby...MANY different ways.
It's educational...
...with some funny ideas along the way too!
Winner* will be chosen
Thursday May 5th
*winner must be a follower =)
Annie, you are so right....I even have that poem cross-stitched and hanging up in my house! I did the same thing - none of this laying them in their crib wide awake, and walking out of the room for me!
Thanks for bringing back some good ole memories!
Jacque in SC
this post rings so true!
My children are grown up but not a hint of grandchildren!!!
I loved to rock mine in the old rocker, wrapped tight in their favorite blankie and sing some old songs. My daughter has the old rocker, loves to swaddle her babes, and repeats the songs.
I too loved rocking babies to sleep. My youngest had acid reflux and I had to put him in his baby seat after eating or he would spit it all up. I missed all that cuddling, however, we did get his weight back up with that approach. Babies are just so cute and touchable. Something about that soft skin on the cheeks.
Grandbabies are so much more fun than your own babies - you're not afraid you'll break them, and you can spoil them rotten and give them back to their parents! I loved rocking my granddaughter to sleep and then holding her while she napped when she was very tiny. Good times!!
Please don't enter me to win as I very much hope not to have another baby anytime soon. Or ever. Except grandbabies someday.
I rock my baby to sleep. I actually sleep in a recliner because of an injury, and if he wakes in the night I just bring him into the recliner with me and we often wake in the morning all snuggled together.
I wonder how old he will be before he can't fit into the recliner with me?
You are right, babies don't keep, maybe that's why I ended up with 8 eh?
I'm not a mom, but I am the AUNTIE! I remember one day I spent with my nephew, just the 2 of us. I think Jere was about 2 years old. My sister had just bought him a new outfit - a patchwork denim 'suit' - and he really liked it. So much, that he let me take a WHOLE ROLL of film with him posing! Sitting, standing, one foot up on a rock...what a fun day!!!
One of my GF just became a first time grammy & I think her daughter (another of my "nieces") would LOVE this book!
Thanks for the chance. :D
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