Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stitchin with 2...

Well, I hope you weren't putting any bets on
my daughter finishing her top today...'cause it
didn't happen.  She did get quite a bit more done.
But, there is still borders needed to go on each of
the 15 blocks and then, those need to be sewn together.

There are 7 of the blocks on the left...they will be
bordered by the black strip.  There are 8 of the blocks on the
right and it will get the grey strip border.  I will show
more pictures as the quilt progresses.  Maybe next week.  =)

That was Stacie's stitchin today...and my WIP is...

the blue in the above picture... really is
periwinkle like the below picture.  I dunno why
the lighting makes the color show up so "unreal".

 The back is mainly an orange flannel with
border of black flannel.

I found this fun strip in my stash...
imagine that?
I will be working on this completing this striped
binding by hand...this weekend.  =)

I's a bit early for spooks and
pumpkins.  But, I move slow!  At my rate of pace,
I might have 3 more Halloween quilts finished for
the adult kids by Halloween 2011...


Kate said...

Very fun quilt! Love the bright colors.

I'm still trying to figure out why some colors in some quilts don't photograph "true". I've learned how to use Photoshop Elements to do some color correcting, but with some photos there is no fixing the colors without making the whole quilt look wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hey these quilts are really beautiful and are full of colors.
i like all the designs...

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Just love your daughters quilt in progress - great colors. And what fun - Spools and goblins, toads and witches, snuggly flannel - just fun!!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Love the colors and blocks in your DD's quilt. I look forward to watching the progress.
Your halloween quilt is adorable!! Just love the colors and the quilting :D

MB in MI said...

really like the fabrics your daughter's working with--and your halloween fabric is fab! gonna be some nice quilts.

Linda said...

I love the bright happy colors in your Halloween quilt!

froggy (D'Ann Gayler) said...

Great frog fabric.
I like the new look of your blog.
Reminds me more of you.
Love ya.

Joanna said...

I love the print you are using for your Holloween quilt. You are very smart to be making it now, and I wish I were as smart:)

Miss Hillbilly said...

I love the Halloween colors. We don't do Halloween anymore. It's something my husband wanted but then after reading the blog of a friend last year I just cant do it anymore. (she adopted two children that went through unimaginable things every year on Halloween.) But I just love the color combo of green, purple, black and orange. Maybe I'll make a spider quilt in those colors? That would be fun!

(Gosh, I hope people reading that comment don't think I am too strange. Hey, I am! But you can still love me anyway can't ya?)