I'm gonna kind a WHINE here...so, if that kind of
stuff "burns" your eyes...better pass... on reading this post.
We (DH and I) are...well, we are both going but, it's me
that has been getting ready most of today...
to take a weee "trip" to St George. It is about
4 hours south of our home in Utah County - and about
10-15 degrees hotter...(this weekend 104-106)
a good thing in the winter....NOT so good in the summer

Making arrangements for taking care of my Macaw,
...and getting things ready to take the Bullmastiff and Ragdoll Cat with us.
Ice Chest, and things to go in it need to
be bought, prepared, packaged.
At my age...taking a vacation/getaway isn't what it
used to be. I've kinda gotten my
nest all lined, just the way I like it...here at home.

My old body (BIG whine!)...just likes what its use to...the familiarity
of things in certain places.
Ok...so, I just need to think of it as an adventure...
I surely have some projects that I could work on...right?
But, then, there is the mind tormenting decisions of
WHAT projects to take!
The things that I want to do now?....will they be the things
that I want to do when I get there?
I have a sewing machine there...but, it doesn't have all the
bells and whistles that the ones do here at home.
Should I take a crochet project, a sewing project, a spinning
project, washing sheep wool project, a book - or 2 or 3...
(I'm trying to decide which book(s) to take too!)?
And, then, there are some quilt books and quilt magazines
that I just might have to mull over again.
I could just take all of the above. Which I generally do and
I have several BIG bags of STUFF...
stuff that I am only guessing that I might want to do.
So, carry into the car, out of the car into the lodgings in St George,
then, back into the car when leaving to come home ...
and then, BACK into the house here...
and, then WHINE...have to put it all away!
There isn't any Internet or TV where we are going to stay.
We end up watching old TV series on DVD (DH likes
doing this...my thinking, kinda booooring)
or movies from Redbox.
By now, you are asking...
"WHY in the Sam-heck...is she even going?!!"
Well, to "getaway"...right? That's what people do...
But, I don't really have anything to get away from. Not
at this point in my life...not with my nest so well lined (see above pic)
When, we first purchased the home, it was to
be a "getaway". But, now that we are empty-nesters
...well, a "getaway" doesn't have the same "ring" to it
that it once did.
I'm going to REALLY miss Blogland!...whine, whine.
I'm just going to keep a stiff upper lip and
think about all those wonderful fabric/quilt stores in St George.
They surely will be having some great deals for
this 4th of July weekend...I'm thinkin' so
So...if, I think along the lines of Mary Poppins,
FABRIC is like the spoonful of SUGAR
that helps the medicine go down...
So...what do YOU think about
vacations, getaways? Is it always worth all the efforts
that one needs to put into the preparations?
OR...is there...
PS...sorry, that the winner for the
wasn't announced today as promised.
I've contacted the winner and so, far "no reply".
I will have to wait until next week sometime to
see if this person responds...if not, I will
do another "random.org" . Thanks for your patience.
I will probably be "out of commission" (whine, sniff, sniff)
with regards to blogging and emails...for a few days.
Mystery Monday and Wonderful Wednesdays will not
be posted next week. sorry =(
...when, I come back to Blogland, (next week) there will
be a BIG surprise to announce...well, it might just be
a "BABY" surprise
...and NO, NO,NO...it won't be
my baby...YIKES...eeeeeek-GADZ...just how scarey would
that be - me being 58 years "young" n' all? OH!!.. I'd be sayin'...
"Beam me ouddda here, Scotty!"
1st, take the Debbie Macomber book. Also the Susan Wiggs book. I'd like to read that one. 2nd. I 'getaway' to Texas when I getaway. Our family is 1200 miles from us. Texas will always be home, so, I look forward to my getaway (I'll be back 2 more times this year). I put over 25,000 miles on my car in one year (2009-10). I'm only 10 years younger than you. Have fun, find new places to visit there. You can do it.
I'm sitting in our motorhome in a nice RV resort with my laptop. We've gone for a nice drive, eaten at a fancy/smancy restaurant, and I have "my" side of the bedroom lined with sewing stuff - machine, fabric, etc. My husband said," Why did you bring all that sewing stuff? Surely you don't plan to sew! We came to get away from it all!" I just looked at him and smiled and said, "I can't think of anything more relaxing than getting away to just sew with no distractions. Besides, what if you decide to watch sports? Or what if it rains?" He just grinned and gave me a big hug. He has learned to just put up with me. I do dread getting back and having to take all the food out of the fridge, and the clothes out of the closet, and it was a pain putting them in this morning. (I was so tired by the time we left, I had a hard time staying awake to be sure my husband didn't run over anyone. I don't know how he drives when I'm not with him!!! :-) At least with an RV you can leave most of the stuff in it all the time and it becomes another feathered nest!
I think we can all relate to that... so well put..... it is a bit of a pain organising everything but once you are there you can relax and having no blog etc will mean you really really RELAX.... have fun and look forward to reading you when you get back.....
If you're anything like me- you'll take way too many projects to do "just in case"! I just came back from the family cabin in the Adirondack mountains. I had a wonderful day at the Vermont QuiltFest, and though I did a lot of ironing and cutting I never got around to actually sewing. Hope you actually have time to have Fun and Relax.
Take books, projects and more books. That's what I would do. And enjoy your break from the internet. I will miss you though!
Four hours = hand sewing (he'll do the driving?) and there are fabric shopS?? Like more than one? I'm sold, can I come too?
I don't mind the get-away part, it's the getting to the get-away that usually stresses me out.
I usually try to have a project that is brand new to take on vacation - that way I'm excited about working on it - instead of something I've already been working on. Also, why don't you get some kind of internet at your vacation home? Wouldn't that take some of the sting out of going? Maybe a mobile hot spot.... And one last thing, if you have a Kindle, you don't have to take a big pile of books - you can get them all in the Kindle!
I feel your pain - when I was picking out a condo for us at the beach, it HAD to have wireless internet!! And the sewing machine went in the trunk of the car, for sure!! Have fun and enjoy your getaway!!
Well, first I think it is wonderful that you have a choice. I can "get away" to the barn or up the mountain or down the creek but have to return to the same old place.
We do have a beach, of sorts, that new sand bar along the creek the last flood made is kinda cool.
As for shopping on this holiday weekend, you could hold a gun to my head and not make me go! Any place will be a madhouse.
After work today, I will return to the valley and relax(work) here...going somewhere is way too much work!!
But please enjoy your week...look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some great pictures.
I would have to include a puzxle book, too. But in truth I haven't been on a vaca in a long time. Enjoy yours.
I love to get away! It is the unloading everything and putting it all away part I don't like:(
Take books and a new project to work on too!
Annie, You read the same "trash" I do - love it!
I'll raise my own glass of whine and make a toast to your post! We head for Mount Carmel in the morning for a family reunion. I am looking forward to the getaway, but it's after midnight and I still have to pack my suitcase, check to make sure the boys actually packed enough clean socks and undies to get through the week (our last vacation one of my little darlings neglected to bring...SHOES! Doh!) and load the car with camping gear, snacks, meals, and entertainment before we hit the road. So here I am procrastinating and checking up on my favorite blog instead of doing the things I should be doing...
I know you'll have a wonderful time in St. George!
Hi Annie, how about packing 1 of each item in a bag just in case but why not try and do nothing .. just relax and take a break. A bottle of wine or whatever your tipple is and lots of chocolate and ice cream.
Hi Annie, that comment is mine above I don't know what happened there, some kind of mix up in accounts.
Well whatever you decide enjoy your break and I look forward to your blog entry when you get back.
Siobhan :)
A little whine now and then never hurts a a body. We, here in Missouri, are not quite as hot as St. George, but then we have that thing called humidity! I have a daughter in St. George and they are spending most of their time in a pool. Cool off, relax and try to enjoy. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
The Heart in Hand Project
Hi there! Sarah sent me over to check you out & I'm SEW GLAD she did! You're a hoot! I can relate, but then maybe not! We lived in an RV for 5 years, traveling around the country & working at various campgrounds (to pay the rent)...it was a big private joke to us - where were we gonna go on vacation? And since we were camping everyday, was it still considered camping?
We loved it, tho, but medical issues have forced us back into a bricks & sticks home. For now! The GOOD thing is now I have a whole room for my sewing, instead of cubbies here, there & everywhere. You just haven't seen packed until you see a houseful in a 40-footer! Yup - 3 sewing machines & a Horn cabinet! Not to mention stash & boxes & boxes of embroidery & serger thread!
I'm sure your regulars will miss you, but I'm sure you'll find some fun where you're going! We'll be here when you return!!
I hope you are enjoying your getaway and I look forward to your return.
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