This topic has been dancing around in my head for
well...pretty much ALL my life!
I was a CHUB since birth and I like to
think that I just came with all my FAT cells
from the get-go. But, truth probably has it...
that's just not so.
I would like to make blog posts...(that hopefully you will enjoy)
about "weighs" to be healthy and making
healthy choices.
In my (maybe not overly humble) opinion,
health is NOT just about a number on the
dreaded/monster/toe eating scale.

It's about my body feeling it's best. So,
when I want to do something fun...I can actually
feel good while doing it!
** disclaimer**
I am NOT - ANYthing.... even close to...
a medical professional
I say/write this (shouting it out) as a...
A disclaimer for things I might suggest,
ideas I could share that have
helped me over the years...with myself and
raising 5 children.
Ok, maybe WAY back in my past
I did a bit of nursing =P
But, I'm sure that doesn't qualify me to
give any REAL professional advice!
I would like to TRY to make a post regularly
each week on Wednesdays...
Weighs 2B Healthy? I dunno =)

OMG----I need THIS
cartoon taped to my bathroom mirror!!
Weighs 2B Healthy blog posts will be something,
I think will help me to set goals and be
motivated. You, out there, would be my
motivational buddies!

(remember these Bosom Buddies?)
If I have to come forward with my
struggles and successes...I think it will keep my
feet to the fire. Notice - I did say "to the fire" not
"in the fire". I won't be holding anyone else
accountable. I also want to be patient with myself.
and... NO...

NO finger wagging here...
Just sharing
ideas, thoughts, experiences, and info
So, I hope that I can bring something to the table,

lots of chocolate!
No worries, I'm sure that it's all non-fat.
yeah right!
So....for today, to help with future
blog posts...
Could I ask YOU...?
-What are some things
that help to motivate you to be healthier?
-Do you struggle with food choices?
-Is it hard to get motivated to exercise?
-Do you find it hard to set goals?
-If you have a buddy (maybe a blog buddy?)
would it be easier to
set goals and to be motivated?
-Do you like healthy recipes,
breakfast, dinner, desserts, for kids?

Maybe together we can find "weighs" to
make healthy progress?
By the way, did someone make a
Love this idea. I do struggle with food choices, especially when I am busy and don't feel like cooking.
I find it hard to get motivated to exercise. I am hoping to do a 5 KM run in less then a month. I really need to get started on training.
Love healthy but QUICK recipes.
ME! I'm in! I just started getting in shape.. well I figure any shape is better than the shape that I am in. I am not getting any younger. I joined the gym, and you have to pay for that. I better actually GO, since I am paying for it. It is really helping exercising 5 days a week, even if it isn't the MOST excercise in the world. It is adding to not eating candy etc. Oh and we started counting the amount of calories that are going in our mouths.. WOW you really don't get all that many. So portion control is huge. I've lost 7 lbs already. My weight no longer starts with a 2 LOL. :) I'm on my way to the gym right now as a matter of fact :)
Being healthy is my best motivation. I don't want to have health problems in the future because of decisions that I make today.
I think this is Grrreat! and love the funny.
reminds me of a cartoon I saw one time...two little girls playing "dress up" and one was about to step on the mom's scale.. the other says.."NO..don't step on THAT!! it makes my mommy CRY"!!
If you read on my wateringwellsofhope blog I also have some health pointers..being a breast cancer survivor!! Two years this January!!
I lost 11 pounds using Organic Apple Cider Vinegar 3 x's a day. 1 tbl to a 1/3 cup water..taste like pickle juice. I have not gained any back!!
Anxious to read up on this each week. Having buddies to share is a motivator.
I use when I REMEMBER..SIGH. Walk away the pound videos. A friend had much success with these.
So there is my weight of hints..hopefully helpful.
A great idea. I fell down on the exercise over the summer and it is time to get back to it. Feeling healthy is my motivation.
I definitely struggle with food choices, mostly because of the darned sweet tooth that disagrees with my occasionally high fasting blood sugar. I did have some success with the "if I want junk food, I have to bake it myself" method, at least until I got really proficient at whipping up chocolate chip cookies in under 10 minutes.
I am a recipe adventurer, though, so it's easy to get me to try healthy things. I love the "Healthy Cooking" magazine from the Taste of Home collection: about 80% of their recipes are online for free here and they specialize in comfort food that's easy to prepare. I make the Red Pepper & Parmesian Tilapia and the Mexican Laasagna regularly. Eat Better America also has some great "healthified" baking recipies that don't taste like oat bran. I make their healthified Banana nut bread into muffins, which I freeze and bring into work.
I am a social being, so the best way for me to exercise has been to go to exercise classes at the gym. I'll make acquaintences with some of the regulars there, and then knowing they'll miss me if I don't come motivates me to go back again. I also prefer exercise like dance or kickboxing, where you have something to focus on other than how little you like or do not like whatever the activity is.
Great idea! I struggle with food choices but only because I don't like cooking. So everything that's quick to fix is not usually healthy. I could easily get by with a simple salad for dinner but DH would rebel.
Plus, I have a very hard time giving up desserts. For the longest time I denied myself these treats and now I can't seem to get enough of them. I would love some easy and healthy recipes that even my DH would like (notice I didn't say love there - lol).
It is great to share the journey. There are quite a few of us out there trying to lead healthier lives. My biggest motivation is how good I feel in my clothes when I shed a few kilos. I love yoga and added some weights and muscle building when I had a bone density reading that was a bit low for my age! I am not very good in large groups so have set up a room to exercise at home. My husband and I share the weight loss journey together and eat quite healthy but still enjoy snacks. We are very gradually losing weight and feel happy that we have changed some of our habits. One thing we are having some success with is eating smaller portions at meals.
I was just thinking today (as I had dinner with grandkids at Burger King), I need to get back into my healthy eating lifestyle I had a year ago and get back on the exercise wagon. I would appreciate any help I can get with motivation.
Food has me angry right now.I am in but don't ask me to talk more about food tonight. Double UGH!
I think this a good idea, if we all support each other, maybe we will have better success. :)
My struggle is soda pops... though this is my 5th week off of them, and I struggle with late night munchies, as I'm up until midnight or later.
It is hard to get motivated to exercise as I am on the run most of the day.
Setting goals is easy... reaching them is another thing. :)
Have a great week!
God bless and keep you,
I can get behind this. I've been trying to get back to regular exercise for quite a while now. Getting there, but not there yet. I like to give myself little rewards. I've told myself I can have a new swimsuit if I swim four times per week for four week. Still haven't made it, but I'm hoping I'll get there soon!
I can get behind this. I've been trying to get back to regular exercise for quite a while now. Getting there, but not there yet. I like to give myself little rewards. I've told myself I can have a new swimsuit if I swim four times per week for four week. Still haven't made it, but I'm hoping I'll get there soon!
Love the cartoon! I walk Copper a lot so exercise isn't the problem, but I could make better food choices. We are just always on the go, which makes food choices tricky. I'd love to see this in your blog.
I'm back at WW now too. I love this idea and look forward to future posts!
only way I can keep weight down is to watch the scale every day, log what I eat on, count calories, so I only eat what I like and skip what I don't. I do want to enjoy what I eat! If I eat chocolate I count it. I eat the freshest tastiest food I can get, if I crave a cheeseburger I eat it. I look forward to seeing what you post and the comments too! oh and thanks for following my blog!
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