Well...because it's
Mystery Monday
So, roll up your sleeves, get our your
reading glasses or (binoculars...if, you need them).
Put on your thinking caps and get ready to play...
"Find the things that don't belong"
okee dokee... here is a picture with lots of sewing things...
to enter to WIN the 5 fat quarters,
(1) find...
SIX things that are NOT sewing things...
and, please...email your answers to:
(2) be a follower
Optional...leave a comment about...
What things are in YOUR sewing room that don't belong?
**as always contest ends Saturday November 19th
midnight (MT)

...to last week's Mystery Monday winner!
from Virginia
I currently have a box of Christmas ornaments in my sewing room. They don't really belong there, but I'm thinking they might be really pretty there during the holiday season because they match my walls!
My sewing room becomes the storage room or the place where things just get dumped! The biggest thing would be a piano!
Well, my dining/livingroom is my sewing area - so really the sewing doesn't belong.
Well since my sewing "room" is in the corner of my bedroom there's a bed to start and lots of kid toys that seem to worm their way in no matter what.
Congratulations to Erin!! I am a regular follower of your fun blog!!
What doesn't belong in my sewing room that is there? Dust and floating dog hair - both are a constant.
Congratulations to Erin!
What doesn't belong in my sewing room at the moment are the huge quantities of ladybirds trying to hibernate in the corners of the windows - every time we get a warm day they wake up!!!
My sewing area is in a room over the garage that is used for storage. Lots of dust, too.
Congrats Erin aka Vesuviusmama!
My sewing room is packed so full that I am not even sure what all is in it...but I bet if I went through it I could find lots that doesn't belong.
Tons of things...toys mostly! I am lucky and have an entire extra master bedroom in our house that is my sewing room/office. It is packed to the gills with fabrics and projects, not to mention about 20,000 books. When my girls are a little older we are going to remodel the bath and then put at least two of them in there (if not three!). But for now it's mine:)
Love the Mystery Monday today. So much fun. Congratulations to Erin!!
My sewing room is in the living room(where my sewing machine in a cabinet resides) and in the dinning room, (where my featherweight is on the table at the moment) and in the hall beside the bathroom(where my material and patterns are stacked). So what doesn't belong is ME!!!!!!!
I'm a follower and emailed my mystery Monday list to you. We have part of the spare bedroom that has a sewing machine and sewing "stuff", part of my mother's bedroom with her sewing machines, and take over the dining table for cutting, and the hall linen closet has fabric and sewing stuff in it. Guess you could say that quilting and sewing has overtaken our home - and it's in places where doesn't "belong".
My sewing room is also my stash everything room. I have a cupboard for my photos, which I am going to organize someday soon. Wrapping paper and supplies are another cupboard, all my music books take up several shelves including my zither and ukelele. Up high I have several boxes of t shirts that I'm going to make into quilts (Ha Ha) I stash extra Halloween candy to be used for Christmas or whenever I remember I have it and finally, I have 4 shelves of toys, puzzles, books and stuffed animals for the grandkids to play with when they visit. Oh, and right now I have totes lining one wall filled with the pictures we took down when we remodeled the kitchen and bathrooms last year that I have yet to rehang! It's quite a room! I feel lucky that I have enough room to walk from my cutting table to my sewing machine. But it's mine and that's wonderful.
One of our dogs loves to sleep under my sewing table. She brings her stuffed balls with her, and leaves them there. Yesterday she had five lined up in a neat little row. I put them in the basket where they belong, and tonight two of them were back. Funny little girl. So, the balls don't belong, but they make me happy.
My dining / livingroom is where I do all the sewing, or is it my sewing room where I do all the living and dining?
So... sew...interesting, isn't it?
I am very happy with it, because this all makes my house my home, the place where my (sewing)heart is.
I have become a follower!
Oh WoW! Well we moved a few months ago and unfortunately there are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked. Actually I think one of my daughter's empty suitcases is in there too. It's on my to-do list to get the room cleaned out.
I've sent my email. Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.
My sewing area is at one corner of the living room... it is my sewing machine and all the sewing stuff does not belong here...
I'm already a follower and I've emailed the six items not belong to sewing.
What's in my sewing room that doesn't belong? Well right now a shop vac, paint cans, paint brushes, step stool and boxes of flooring...get the idea? We are renovating and under construction, but by the end of the week I hope to have it all back in place. I can hardly wait! I am already a follower and I e-mailed you my answers. Fun!
The list of things that don't belong in my sewing room is endless but some are:
Travel bag of binoculars and flashlights,
Hunting rifles since we just returned from an unsuccessfuk deer-hunting trip,
Empty coffee mug
And some things that have been there so long, although they don't belong, that they no longer register as being out of place.
I am already a follower of your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I am a new follower of your blog and I have all of my teaching stuff in my sewing room that definitely don't belong. As well as coloring books and crayons for my daughter :)
I am a follower now. The items that don't belong to my sewing room would be my husband's books. They are everywhere around the house. I am just lucky to have a room for my sewing stuff, although I still have to share part of the room with him.
I've become a follower, great blog.
I have a habit of putting things on my cutting table that don't belong. Items I bring home and don't quite know where to put yet. I think I will go and clean it up as soon as I am finished looking at blogs.
Well I seem to end up with all sorts of things in my sewing room. It also doubles as part office and part library so the kids see it as their dumping ground!
My sewing room currently has lots of papers in it that my 7 year old is making "chrismiss" cards with, lol.
While I can find 6 things that don't belong in a sewing room, I have children and none of the items would be out of place in my sewing space. Lifesaver, spoon, apple, toothbrush, car and sneaker!
My 'sewing room' is my dining room, sew, how about the china cabinet for starters!
I am a follower
What's in my sewing room - My bed
(I sew in the corner of my bedroom - I can't wait to have a separate craft room)
I am a follower and I have Christmas Presents stored in my sewing room at present.
Well, I am way late in reading, but still on time...yet I don't enter to win. I leave that for others. I do so enjoy your mystery's though!
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