Healthea's Ideas
The holidays are a difficult time of the year to be trying to
The holidays are a difficult time of the year to be trying to
lose weight and eat more healthy.
Many of us had family over to visit for the Thanksgiving holiday.
We ate dinners, deserts, and maybe some snack foods.
Most likely these foods were not low calorie and most
likely we ate more food than we normally would during'
normal circumstances.

But don't give up!
If you slip up...ALL is NOT lost!
After doing some research on the Internet about
"Falling OFF the WEIGHT-LOSS Wagon"
...I found a few ideas that can help us to get back
ON the WAGON... (and, yes you DO want to!)
Don't reward today's mistakes by making more
tomorrow. If you ate lots of calories for dinner, doesn't
mean you should have a couple of donuts for breakfast.
Just let yourself enjoy the slip. Don't kill yourself with
guilt. Instead just try to make up for it in the days ahead
with more low calorie, healthier meals.
Focus on the successes! And, realize how hard you've
worked so slip won't erase all of your hard
work success. But, giving up will.
Call a weight-loss buddy. This can be a real
boost to your getting back on track. Your buddy
can remind you of how well you are doing. And,
encourage you to stay focused on your goals
Keep a journal about all the benefits of staying
on track with healthy eating habits and exercise.
Write down how good you feel about your
successes. When you do will have
"good self talk" in writing for motivation
Try to focus more on feeling healthy, not
just losing weight. When we eat too much
and eat "junky" foods, it's not just the calories
that we add to our bodies, but, we usually don't
feel very good.
As you lay down to sleep for the night,
relax...and, remind yourself that the
slip ups are in the past. When you wake
you will be fresh, new...and ready to
slip BACK...onto the path towards your goals.
3/4 cup frozen pitted cherries
2 tablespoons part-skim ricotta
1 tablespoon toasted slivered almonds
---Heat Cherries in the microwave for 1-2 minutes until hot
-- Top the cherries with ricotta cheese and slivered almonds
--sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon
week 11.20-11.26
Treadmill - 4 of 6 days. I skipped Thanksgiving and the day after =( (bad me!)
Food - I actually did "OK" this week. I didn't eat all that much for Thanksgiving.
I ate a bit of everything...but, not a ton of everything. I could've done a bit better
tho, as I ate 4 slices of garlic cheese bread. =P
Weight - I'm UP .4 I know that I should be losing! But, I 'm gonna try to not beat myself
about the increase. I will recommit this next week
about the increase. I will recommit this next week
Cute cartoon, I think that's what my scale does from time to time. lol
Have a great week!
God bless and keep you,
Wonderful tips to get back on the wagon. Sounds like you are doing really well. Putting on .4 could be just because you ate different things this week. I would love to lose 2kg a week but I will settle for my .1 loss this month.
That dessert looks yummy. I have not done too badly and today I walked a mile. The weather was chilly today. In the 50's. Back to the old grind tomorrow.
Thanks for the encouraging post! I was good enough on Thanksgiving. We didn't buy/make any pies or breads. I did have mini marshmallows in my yams though.
I finally got a wii hooked up and working. It has been so long I was amazed at how much work I need to do! Now I can keep track of my progress and report in as I should. Thanks for the accountability!
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