I DO seem to get my days mixed up often, don't I?
It's just that I have good intentions of doing something
on a "regular" basis and life seems to thwart those good intentions.
aah....sigh...on with the "show" (even if it's a day late)
~ Healthea's Ideas ~
I surfed the Internet and found links that I thought would be
helpful and motivating for people who have limited mobility.
Or, those who might like to start really slow with regards to
the word "exercise" because even moving hurts or they haven't
done it in a while. Just remember that....even a leeetle moving
is better than none at all =)
"Not just for Seniors"... click HERE. This site has a wealth of great
information! It talks about reasons to get your body moving.
Whether you are a senior or not, you can read about reasons it's
important to "move"...like better sleep, better moods, better/clearer
thinking. It dispels some myths about exercise and age and tips for
starting out safely.
Pedometers, imho, help those who might not want to start with
a rigorous walking schedule. It's a good way to record progress.
50 steps one day and, maybe 55 the next.
"Info about pedometers" click HERE

a portable peddler that received good reviews click HERE
video for "seniors"...low impact exercises click HERE
seated exercises click HERE
bands/exercise for wheelchair click HERE
My hope is that maybe bloggy friends/visitors today will see that
a person doesn't have to run marathons or walk miles to feel that
they are improving their health. And, that there are options for those
who can't move around easily. People who have disabilities, aches/pains,
or illnesses that restrict their ability to move, and those who need to start
very slow because they haven't been moving for a long time...
There is a place to start for everyone.
Your starting place might just be
different than your neighbor's, but don't let that stop you.
...a little is better than nothing
~Kooky's Kitchen ~
(kooky, you know, kind of off her rocker)
Cold Bean and Corn "Salad"
1 -16 oz - of your favorite premade salsa
1 - can (15oz) Bush's Best low sodium Black Beans ...drained
1 - can (14-15oz) of whole kernal (no sugar/no salt) corn...drained
1 teaspoon - mince garlic
~~Pour all into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Let set in fridge for an hour or so.
You can eat with tortilla strips. I've eaten with crackers. It's also good on the side with scrambled eggs.
~Ruby's Report ~
Treadmill - 6 days (average) of 3miles per day
--There was one day that I went 4 miles and one day that I did a bit more than 2
--I'm pushing myself with more incline...OUCH...my gludius/flabbie-lus was hurtin'!
Weight - lost 1.4 (I'm almost at my "pre-washington/grandboy's trip" weight)
Food - I was better about my sugar this week. I stayed home more and I think it is easier for me
--to control my sugar and calorie intake when I don't go out to eat
okeee...your turn...please?
What motivates you to get moving?
What have you done this past week to feel healthier?
Do you have goals for this coming week to
make your body feel better/healthier?
Your comments will help to motivate us all! Please,
Hi Annie, Firstly I wanted to thank you for your nice comment on my blog (about my fridge etc.) Sorry I havent blogged for ages, I will put a short one on tonight. I am going to check out your details about "exercise" for people with disabilities etc., as I am still struggling with my knees, and arthritis, & balance problems - so thanks!! I will check it out tomorrow when I have a bit more time, as it is 12.50am here right now! Hugs n Blessings from Sue in Oz xx
I have the portable pedlar - fall off the standing machines because of NO balance on them. But I can use it in my wheelchair or any chair for that matter. And then it is put up on the table (light weight) and used for the arms. I use the timer or the pedometer. I have 'strolled' almost every day this week. As it get's colder, I have more movement problems.
I just nabbed my grown daughters wii yesterday. She hasn't used it in a year. I actually love using the wii to track my progress and love the different types of exercises. It was a great motivator for me until I found myself shockingly pregnant and in bed.
I am excited to get started in the morning!
Did lots of walking while I was in Florida, don't know what I'm going to do to get moving this week. I'ts good I walked so much because I ate way too much candy corn!
One good thing I will eat better because I'm home alone. It's very hard to eat right when you're going to restaurants most of the time while on vacation.
Annie I don't know how you keep up with this blog, it is darling all the time
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