Wanna WIN 5 FAT Quarters? Yes?...okee dokee,
let's get started by playing
Here's the game --->Take the name of the animal
Example: If there was a picture of a
ROSE...So the block would be called the "Rose of Sharon"
Please, email your answers to

(5) (sorry, a real one was just too slimy)
The links below might help....if you need it.
No worries...about being "too correct". You will
be entered to win...even if your answers are
just "somewhat correct" =)
**Enter to WIN....
1) please, email your answers to
You don't have to leave a comment...but,
I'd LUV to know...
What's the smallest and/or the largest block that
YOU've ever made?
~game ends Sat Jan 28th midnight MT
**must be a follower to win
and ....we are
DANCIN' with the Jetsons to celebrate
... last week's Mystery Monday...
"Needled Mom"
from Southern California...
You can visit her on her blog HERE
Congratulations to Needled Mom! The largest block was The Dandy - 34" block --- and the smallest - 1" block section that was worked into a paperpiece - but an 'actual' block 2" - hey maybe smaller - I like small.
I did a 3/4" postage stamp Jewel Box quilt for a friend.....not an actual pieced block....but tiny! I generally don't do big blocks, but I guess my queen sized blazing star counts as a single block! lol
Hi Annie, I am a new follower and I am off to email you now. Sandy. :)
How fun!
The smallest block I've ever done was a bow tie block for a tiny dollhouse quilt.
The smallest block I did was about 1" square and it was half square triangles... I've made more complicated blocks that were about 2" square but it was pretty time consuming!
The largest was a star block and it was about 36"...
I'm pretty boring. I don't think I've made any really big or really tiny blocks! Just your everyday average ones!
I've not actually sewn a block yet. I'm a newbie quilter. Just getting the supplies and trying to learn from the internet. Soon I'm going to dive right in. :)
I've made and 18" paper pieced mariners compass block for the centre of a quilt that is in progress (and has been for about 12 months!). The smallest is a 6" wonky star block made of 1 1/2" squares and half square triangles.
I don't do tiny blocks. The smallest I ever made was a 3 1/2 inch 9 patch block. The largest I ever made was 16 1/2 inches.
Too much thinking required to answer your questions. But I love the little kitty :D
I'm just about to embark on a swoon quilt which will be my biggest block! around 24" I think!
I still haven't finished the smallest one--so I guess it's the smallest one I haven't made. I've only made a few 12 1/2" blocks. The small one I can't remember--it might be about that size, but all of the pieces are small so I've never finished it, but then I'd have to find it and I'm not up to that just now.
I've made some 6 inch pinwheels, so I think that's the smallest... and the largest.... I don't think I've ever made anything larger than the typical 12 inch block.. BUT, I am planning to make some Swoon Blocks soon! :-) Fun giveaway! Thanks!
I made a quilt with 1 inch corner stones which were pieced pinwheels. I loved it (after the work was done).
Cathy Byrd
I am a follower
smallest 3 inches finished nine patch
largest 37 inches square for a quilt that I call Willow
Smallest about 3" and largest about 22"!
I made a 3" block of a pinwheel block for a doll quilt for my little girls dolls bed.
Biggest block was from my Matilda's Station quilt by Kookaburra Cottage.
Not sure about the exact size but is was an applique one not a pieced one.
The largest was an 18" block and the smallest was 3" block. Thanks for the fun giveaway.
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