13 1/2 inches high and weighs 8 1/2 pounds.
First Oscar given in 1929 was of solid bronze with gold plating.
For three years during WWII, the statue was made of painted plaster
due to a metal shortage.
AND???, you say...what does THIS have to do with quilting? with
I was having a really hard time coming up with something to post about
for Mystery Monday. Sunday rolled around...nothing was coming to light
Then, the Academy Awards started.
I felt doomed. I really did want to watch the Awards show...but,
I still didn't have an idea for Mystery Monday!
How am I going to come up with and idea when the night's almost over
and I don't have ANY idea what to post about??? Now THAT's
a MYSTERY!!!...what to post about???
I began to wonder...are there any of my quilty/bloggie friends watching
the Academy Awards? AND the even bigger question...are they making
quilts, working on projects while watching? Me? well, I was blogging.
But, typing is a sort of "handwork", right?
When I am by myself, sewing, quilting or other crafts, I am
if there is SOMEthing talking to me...whether it be audio books,
the radio or a TV show. Sometimes, I will watch an old favorite movie.
It's really important that I've seen the movie before. Reason being,
if I pay too much attention to the movie, my hands will be doing more
reverse sewing...than making any progress.
So, to enter to WIN* 5 fat quarters...to play today's
please...be a follower and...
leave a comment with some words for the following questions:
Did you watch the Oscars AND sew? Do you watch TV and/or
movies when you are sewing/crafting? Maybe you listen to audio books,
or music while you do your handworks? ...or do you prefer just quiet?
~~ entries close next Saturday March 3rd midnight MT ~~
Last week's MYSTERY MONDAY...

Last week's MYSTERY MONDAY...
I didn't watch the Oscars last night. I've been woefully behind in keeping up with movies this year and hadn't really watched very many of the movies (and some of them I hadn't even heard of!).
But I do usually have something going on while I knit or sew. In the evenings, it's usually watching TV and I'll pick a really simple knitting project so I can watch TV without having to concentrate on the knitting.
For other projects (sewing or more complex knitting), I usually listen to an audiobook although sometimes I'll put in a movie that I've seen multiple times.
Also, I've just found your blog (actually, you found mine!) and I look forward to reading more about your crafting.
I'm like you- I usually turn on Netflix and "watch" something I've seen before while I sew (our tv is 2 rooms away, though, so it's really just vaguely listening). Or, I'll bring my laptop into my sewing room and stream TV shows the day after they air- though my sewing efficiency drops to about half-speed!
I didn't watch the Oscars- we don't have actual TV right now since a tree fell on the cable lines last October. I wouldn't have watched them, anyway, since the one one time I had to watch at least part for a film class assignment, I wanted to puke at the self-indulgent nature of the whole show.
I didn't watch the oscars last night. It seemed less boring and easier to read who won this morning. :)
Instead I turned on Hulu and caught up on my shows and watched a few new ones while cutting fabric and doing a little sewing.
I always like to have noise in the background while I sew. If there isn't anything good to "watch" while sewing I turn to Pandora and listen to music.
If I'm sewing at the machine, it's easier to listen to music, or watch movies that I've seen before. When doing hand work, TV is usually on. Catching up on recorded shows, or sometimes even watching the Weather Channel. Last night I finished up a small cross stitch while watching the Oscars, and then crocheted. Can't stay awake in front of the TV unless my hands are busy.
I didn't watch the Oscars, and seldom do. Just not my thing. Sometimes I do a little handwork while the husband watches the History Channel. When I'm sewing in my work room, sometimes I listen to the radio. Most times I just concentrate and enjoy the buzz of the machine.
I did watch the Oscar's, but I was reading some quilting books at the same time. I did a little sewing after the Oscar's ended.
I love to have the TV on while quilting - especially if it is a favorite show that I have already seen before :-)
Thanks for the giveaway! You always come up with the best questions!
I never watch awards shows, just check out the winners and best/worst dressed online the next day! I sometimes do hand work while watching TV. Sometimes I'll listen to the ipod while machine sewing, but mostly I just focus on the creating and enjoy!
I never watch award shows either. They just don't interest me. I do love to watch regular tv or listen to it anyway, or listen to audio books or music while sewing. If it was something that needed pure concentration I think I'd just listen to music. I always listened to music while doing homework in school! I think I read somewhere that it helps you absorb information better, but I could be wrong.
I didn't watch the Oscars or sew at all last night. Most of the time I like to have the TV on while I sew but only something that I've seen a gazillion times so I can concentrate on my sewing more. :) Sometimes I'm just in the mood for quiet while sewing...especially if I'm trying to follow directions on a project.
I never watch the oscars or any award type ceremonies!
I like to listen to the radio while I'm sewing but if there is something good on the TV I like to have some hand sewing/crochet to do!!
I'm a follower...I don't watch the Oscars or awards period. I never watch tv while I sew, but I do listen to the radio! =) I enjoy the afternoon speaks that are on and also music. It keeps me entertained...I feel less alone. =)
I watched just for the dresses. Hadnt seen a single movie they talked about. Oh well.
I usually have a dvd in while sewing, great way to get caught up on tv shows without commercials! My library is a a wonderful place. Also a fan of all things BBC, and can get tons of movies and tv series too. A happy use of my tax dollars.
I quit watching TV because I found that I didn't do other things if there was something on TV I wanted to watch. I now listen to audio books when I sew/quilt. I love it.
I didn't watch the Oscars. I usually have the tv on while I sew, but it's usually the news or sports. Otherwise, I like it quiet. Thanks for the giveaway!
I didnt watch the Oscars but I do sew when sort of watching tv. I dont like to just sit there. I also listen to movies while quilting. There isnt too much watching going on except on the project I am working on. I like it this way so it works for me.
I didn't watch the oscars as they weren't broadcast here. I likt e to sew with my mediaplayer on: all my favorite music to listen to :-)
When I sew I used to like the quiet, then I realized that I would find myself staring off into space and thinking, more than I found myself sewing. I had no idea how to remedy this so I tried a few things. I can't "watch" things, even things I've seen multiple times since I end up watching and not sewing. I put music in my ears and that seems to keep me focused on sewing. I can't have music playing in the room, as that makes me do the staring into space thing, but if I have my earbuds in then I sew and sew. :)
The only part of the Oscars that we watched last night was Billy Crystal's intro. They did a funny (to me anyway) film clip of him in scenes of all of the nominated movies and he sang his usual take off on all of the movies (hard to understand because of sound issues). I'm not a movie goer, so I have no interest in who wins or what they say, but I am a Crystal fan.
We watched repeats of "The Closer." They were new to us because we don't have cable TV. I usually save handwork like stitch removal or binding to do while watching. I save all of my ironing (fabric and blocks only please) and trim blocks or cut yardage while watching. I set up my ironing board in the family room and I cut during the commercials and listen to what is going on.
Don't care much about the Oscars. do watch tv some evenings,love to have some handwork to do then. Sometimes I'll not machine-quilt a project just to have some hand quilting in the evenings.
Thank you for sharing!
I don't have a TV in my sewing room. I tend to listen to podcasts (Pat Sloan) and/or audiobooks. Like you, it is usually a book that I've already read. I don't have to worry about plot. I can sew and just enjoy. I watched the Today show this morning. Feel like I watched the Oscars:)
I didn´t watch the oscar last night,was too late here(Spain).Oscar show`s began at 1.30and at that time I`m sleeping.
I like to sew listening music or the radio or watching tv.
I did not watch the oscars (no tv where I was at). But when I quilt I do listen to tv or music. I guess I like to have some background noise.
Did you watch the Oscars AND sew? No
Do you watch TV and/or
movies when you are sewing/crafting?
Maybe you listen to audio books,
or music while you do your handworks?
or do you prefer just quiet? I'm deaf. So, I'm forced to prefer the quiet. By the way, I can't really watched TV as I need CC'd. It is difficult to watch two things at the same time (the TV and whatever I'm doing). Ha! :-)
This gal has somethin' on all the time...quiet drive me nuts!!!
Yep, I do all sorts of things while the TV is on and if it's off there is always music.
I did watch most of the awards last night. 'Love droolin' over the beautiful gowns.
God bless and have a magnificent week sweetie!!! :o)
I don't watch any of the TV awards shows. I usually have something on, but not really watching. I think you count on one hand home many shows/movies in a yr I actually sit and watch. I do llike to put on a good opera when I am hand quilting!!!
I have to admit I didn't watch the Oscar's. If I'm sitting watching the TV or movies I have to sew at the same time, seems such a waste of time sitting doing nothing. I'm a follower by email.
Didn't watch the Oscars this year. Have been shifting my sewing studio to the loft upstairs, so haven't had time to do any sewing :( but can't wait to be stitching again.
I usually listen to my ipod when I'm sewing.
I didn't watch the Oscars, but if I'm sewing at my machine that is in the living room then I will "watch" TV, but in the sewing room I listen to the radio, always have to have some kind of background noise.
We "semi watched" the Oscars because we were celebrating my mom's birthday.
I like to have some noise when I am sewing so I usually listen to music or the radio.
I didn't watch the Oscar's...I'm not a big fan of award shows.
When I am piecing or machine quilting I like to have an audio book going.
Any hand quilting or binding I do while watching TV...usually sports or reality shows that I don't care too deeply about.
Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
I did not watch the Oscars last night but I did spend time knitting. I usually prefer to focus on one thing and prefer quiet.
Yes, watched the Oscars; no sewing during them but when I've got sewing projects going on, my machine is set up at the kitchen table, so if there's something I really want to see on TV, I'll sometimes run and sew during commercials and, of course, if I'm doing hand sewing, such as a quilt binding, then that's definitely something that's "TV-watching friendly". Thanks for chance to win. (marshudson at comcast dot net)
I work graveyards on Fri and Sat so I tried to stay awake for the Oscars but did't make it to the end. I brought my laptop to bed with me and surfed my blog friends. I listen to music while I craft and even though I have a TV in my sewing room don't often watch it..........thanks for a great giveaway...I'm a follower!
I didn't watch TV or sew. I've been cleaning my sewing room.
Fun question! I watched a little of the Oscars--- actually forgot it was coming on.. I like to see the pretty dresses-- speaking of which, wasn't Jessica Chastain's Alexander McQueen black and gold gown simply gorgeous!!! :-) I didn't do any sewing while watching, though-- I was surfing the web... :-) But, I *always* have *something* playing while I sew-- preferably talking-- not music... and it's usually the television. :-) Thank you for the chance to win! :-)
I blogged while watching the Oscars - I've got so much catching up to do! And while I sew, there's always something on - usually streaming a movie or tv show. I agree with you that the movie has to be one I've seen before - and I love watching reruns of comedies while sewing! Frasier, 3rd Rock From The Sun, anything that makes me laugh!
I haven't watched any awards show in about 10 years.....cuz I didn't know who anyone was anymore! I hadn't seen any of the movies, or heard any of the music, so I was feeling really old and oblivious! lol
I usually have on a dvd while sewing, and yeah, it has to be something I've seen before, cuz I don't want to actually 'watch' it.....just hear it and catch the important moments. Usually a good movie, or one of my TV series, like Criminal Intent, or NCIS.....and lately I've been watching a LOT of Jane Austen BBC movies. Love 'em!
I didn't watch the Oscars, spent the time visiting with family. So much more fun. In the evening I usually do hand work while watching tv. When I am sewing in my sewing room I often have the radio on to keep me company. Very occasionally I will listen to an audio book. Thanks for the chance for the giveaway!
I listen to documentaries most of the time. If I'm feeling mopey, I put on Pride and Prejudice. Sometimes, the quiet is just the thing and my mind discovers hidden mysteries within me.
I did not watch the Oscars. I rarely do as it doesn't interest me too much. While sewing I like to listen to the local Christian radio station. Usually it is a study of some sort and it helps me focus on what is most important in life and helps me not dwell on the negative happenings around me. Thanks for the chance to win.
I didn't watch the Oscars because I only get one channel and the Oscars weren't on it. I probably would have watched them if I could have. I'm not huge into Hollywood but the Oscars are usually sort of interesting. I sometimes watch tv while hand sewing but I have to wear reading glasses for hand sewing and then I can't see the tv , so I'm really only half watching. I like to listen to books on tape, or blogcasts or something like that when sewing, sometimes. Other times I just like to relish the quiet.
I watched the Oscars while I was blogging...or was I blogging while I watched the Oscars? Usually, though I'm doing some kind of handwork while the t.v. is on unless it's a sporting event where I need to really pay attention. While machine sewing, I usually listen to music and sometimes I'll watch a movie...but it has to be something I've already seen.
I don't watch the Oscars; I don't think it's possible to say which movie is "best" when they can be so different and yet deserving.
During baseball season I like to listen to a game while I quilt. Other times, it's classical music or quiet. Because I have a lot of headaches, I don't usually listen to music around the house unless it's classical. The click-click of the sewing machine is somewhat musical to me, though; it reminds me of the sound of my mom working on some sweet project or another when she found a spare moment.
I'm already a happy follower...
I like to listen to the music while sewing... I don't think I can SEW and watch movie...
I don't have TV (just movies and netflix), so I didn't see the Oscars.
As for when I sew - I have five children under the age of 9. It's plenty noisy when they are around. If I'm doing something like cutting or handwork, I do like to watch old favorite movies. Currently, that means Downton Abbey. Never gonna get tired of that one!
follower - TV while handsewing - quiet while machine sewing - Sunday do not remember what I watched but was not the Oscars
Thanks for the fun
follower - TV while handsewing - quiet while machine sewing - Sunday do not remember what I watched but was not the Oscars
Thanks for the fun
We happened to watch the Oscars this year and thought it was one of the better produced versions - fun little snippets here and there. I played online Scrabble while doing so.
When I'm in my sewing room, I bring in the laptop and tune in to Pandora. I've created about 6 different 'stations' and just love the variety that Pandora feeds to me. It helps the creativity come alive!
And, yep, I'm a follower!
I am a follower. I usually turn the TV on when I walk into the sewing room - lights, sewing machine and TV - I don't watch and half the time I don't listen.
No I didn't watch the Oscars but I did work on some sewing that day. I typically have a CD in the player to listen to. Sunday it was John Tesh Live at Red Rocks, because I couldn't find my Celtic Women CD.
I can't watch TV and sew. I get too distracted. I do like to have something to listen to when I do. Sometimes, since I have little kids still, that's what I prefer to listen to. Although my little boy told me the other day he doesn't like it when I work. I couldn't figure out what he was talking about until I realized that I tell them I'm working on something when I sew. Mostly I think he doesn't care for the way it takes over the whole kitchen. I really like to listen to audio books and sometimes a course from the Teaching Company.
I turn on Sirrius radio and turn up the volume and listen while my sewing machine hums away. I missed the Oscars. I was working on my Block Swap Adventure block (which I was late on) and I don't even know who won.
I did watch the Oscars but I did not sew. I wanted my full attention on the screen so I didn't miss anything. I usually work on something in the evening while watching TV
I did not watch the the Oscars...seems a waste of time to me. I don't sew while watching tv or movies since hubby likes no lights in the room :{, but I will listen to music while sewing in the sewing room.
I watched some of the Oscars, but I was cooking not sewing. It was the first time in a couple years that I even had it on. I love to see what everyone is wearing. Most of the movies that were nominated I haven't seen. I like to play DVR and listen to things I've recorded. When it gets to something good I can back it up and watch again. Sometimes I just let it loop
I don't watch the Oscars any more. I'd rather be doing other things. When I sew, I like to listen to NPR on the radio.
Congrats to Jenny P!!
We watched the Oscars for the first time in years!! While we watched, I cut floss to measured length.
If I'm back in my sewing room, I usually have an audio book going - unless I really have to think about what I am doing.
While I do my counted cross stitch I am "watching" tv. I hear so much more than I see but then sometimes I think I enjoy it more.
Thanks for another fun Monday Mystery!
Didn't watch the Oscars - our TV is only for videos & games. I like to sew with talk radio. :)
I am a follower. I didn't watch the Oscars. I don't have TV service, but I wouldn't have watched it anyway. I'm just not interested enough. Sometimes I have something on in the background - classical music, a favorite movie, or a series. Sometimes I don't. I'm more likely to have it on when I'm doing handwork - crazy quilting or embroidery, mostly.
I am a follower and I did watch the Oscars whilst sewing. I always have the TV on when I am sewing.
I didn't watch the Oscars... as we were watching the Amazing Race. I do counted cross stitch or crochet while watching TV. But I sew with the radio going. I then can catch the news on the hour and the rest of the time it's just music going. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I didnt watch the Oscars but I did sew :) Normally I do have the tv on when I'm sewing - HGTV as background noise ... thanks for the chance!
I didn't watch the Oscars - forgot it was on ;-( If sewing at home on my own, I listen to my iPod, if hubby is home, then the TV is on in the background ;-)
I was catching up on blog posts while watching the Oscars. I like to watch movies/TV while piecing, and I listen to audio books while hand quilting.
Hi i am now a new follower,lovely site.
I didnt watch the oscars but i do stitch while i watch TV as i dont like to sit there doing nothing.xx
I don't know if I could sew in silence. I have two children under 5 who "help" with all my sewing so I sew in NOISE!!
I do sew in front of the television, with music on and when watching movies. I missed the Oscars this year as I was reading stories to my children and didn't realise they were on until they were nearly finished.
I watched some of the red carpet--I do love to see all of the beautiful gowns! I generally have the tv on in the evenings when I am sewing or scrapping. However, during the day, I just like the quiet.
I generally like sitcoms or more upbeat movies while I am crafting. Funny, if there isn't something decent on, I have trouble working. Even though it is usually just background noise to me! LOL
I did watch the Oscars, but held my cat instead of stitching, etc. However, I ususally have some kind of hand work going while watching TV even if there's a cat on my lap.
I did not watch the Oscars and I usually do not watch tv. I will sometimes crochet in front of the tv because that's where my hubby is however, I am usually in the sewing room sewing or the kitchen cooking/baking!
I didn't watch the Oscars. I do sometimes watch TV (mostly listening) when I do handwork. I listen to Pandora sometimes when I am at the sewing machine. I often prefer silence when sewing/creating. Thank you and have a good week.
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