I'm giving away 5 "fats" ...
What FATS? ...........could that be?

O...NO...it wouldn't be bacon...because
I would eat it before it ever got mailed!
So, I'm hoping that you won't be disappointed that
it's NOT bacon =P
But, instead it's FIVE FAT QUARTERS...of
100% quality quilting fabric!
This week is another EASY question to enter
to WIN...
Please, be a follower and...leave a comment naming
FIVE VALENTINE things that are on my spiffied-up
banner...designed by the Blog Fairy
---Entries close Saturday February 11th Midnight MT---
I want to thank ALL of you who left those wonderful comments
last week!! I read every one! But, I must apologize for not responding to
all of them. I've had a "play" week with my 13yr old granddaughter
...and we've just been going hither, thither, and yawn...sewing,
watching movies and in general having a VERY splendid time.
So, please forgive me for being away from my computer.
So to show how sorry I felt about my terrible lack of response,
I did TWO drawings for last weeks Mystery Monday.
Hap-HAP- HAPPEEEE HEARTS for last week's
TWO Mystery Monday Winners!!!

in Australia...you can visit her blog HERE
in Florida...you can visit her blog HERE
Be sure to check back tommorrow for the winner of
Cute banner!
heart balloons
heart garlands
heart gift bag
red rose dog collar
heart box of candy
ballons, bunting, (chocolate)box, bag, (dog)collor :-)
Mmmm bacon....
It's great you spent such quality time with your granddaugheter. My nieces were over for the weekend. It's nice to have some quiet time again though. The youngest is 4 and she is quite rambunctious. Haha!
Ok, 5 Valentine's things on the new banner:
A heart-shaped box of chocolates
Heart balloons
Heart trim on the window and desk
A red rose collar on the doggy
A heart printed gift bag
Valentine balloons
Valentine banners
Valentine candies in jar
Valentine gift bag
Valentine box
Thanks for sharing ♥
hmm. i'm going to say your red shirt is a valentinesy item, as is the rose on the collar of the cute dog. the bunting, the candy and the balloons all count, too!
Very festive banner!
Heart Balloons
Valentine's Day Gift Bag
Heart Garland
Rose Dog Collar
Heart-shaped Box of Chocolates
Glad you spent time with your GD.....way more important than blogging! And I see heart banners, balloons, candy box, heart gift bag, dog collar rose, and I think those wordy heart candies in the jar! Sweet!
rose collar, banners, bag, box, balloons! Thanks!
heart ballons, heart garland on desk, heart garland on window sill, candy on desk, heart sack on desk. Thanks for the giveaway!
Very cute banner! Altho not Valentine's~ I love the ruby slippers!! :-)
As for Valentine things~heart garland, heart box of chocolates, heart bag, heart balloons, and heart candies in the jars! I love hearts! LOL Have a happy day!
Congrats to the two winners!! Your banner is so cute. 5 things are:
little bag with hearts
hearts under the window
hearts in front of the desk
box of candy on desk
balloon hearts at the spinning wheel
Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time with your granddaughter :)
heart buntings
flower colar on dog
heart bag
heart box (of chocolates?)
heart balloons
Valentine box of candy on the desk.
Shopping bag with hearts on the desk.
Heart swag on the window sill by the sweet kitty.
Heart balloons.
Heart swag on the desk.
Love the new blog banner. It's very cheery. Five Valentine things: hearts across the window, hearts across your desk; hearts on the gift bag, heart balloons and a heart-shaped candy box.
Heart garland, red dog collar, Valentine box, heart gift bag, and heart balloons.
Really like the new banner!
Heart candy box
Heart balloons
Heart banner at window
Heart banner at desk
Heart bag
Thanks for the giveaway!
Playtime with grandkids is the MOST important part of life, I think! :-) What wonderful memories you are making with your granddaughter!! :-) I am a follower--- and love your new banner!! Cute! :-) Let me see... I see some pretty heart balloons, a pretty little heart garland on your desk, a red heart box (yummy chocolates inside?!), a pretty red collar on the pup, a pretty heart-covered gift bag holding a special Valentine gift!, and a jar of some yummy looking heart candies--- or is it cookies? :-) Thank you for the chance to win some yummy fats!! (quarters, that is ;-)
Garland, dog collar, gift bag, heart box, heart balloons.
I just love my time with my grandkids. It is just the best! Love your site and follow it daily.
This follower says that red and hearts represent Valentine's Day in the three heart balloons, heart garland under the window, heart garland on the sewing table, heart shaped box on the table along with the bag with hearts on it.
The above is my five, final answer. Now do my foggy eyes I-Spy heart red hots in the candy jar, a red heart/rose dog collar on the dog, and is that a heart in the Wizard of Oz poster too? Just sayin' that hearts are everywhere when the imagination takes over!
I am a follower.
Five valentine items on your blog are:
Hearts on the window sill
Rose collar on the dog
Hearts bag
Heart balloons
Valentine candy with ribbon
Thanks for a chance to win.
Very cute banner.
Here is what I found: Heart ballons on the spinning wheel, heart garland around desk, heart garland on window sill, valentine heart on desk (probably holding chocolate), and a valentine gift bag.
Thanks for the chance.
Heart balloons
Heart box... is it chocolates?
Heart collar on the canine
Bag of hearts
Heart garlands on the window and the table.
Red hearts on window, Balloons on spinning wheel and harts on bag, Oh the rose on the dog, oh and cant forget the box of chocolates.
Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.
dog collar, box of chocolates, banner, gift bag, heart balloons. Thank you again for the chance to win.
Wait, so I don't win any bacon :)??
Heart Bag
Doggy Collar
Hearts on the Window
Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower! My answers are heart shape balloons , Heart shape paper bag, Heart shape box(is there any Chocolate inside??), heart shape buntings and Doggie collar.. :)
HMMMM..... that brings a new thought to "Fat-Free" .. ha ..haha
Heart shapes everywhere - even on the white cloth you are sewing... little red hearts. Heart balloons, doggie with red collar and red rose, kitty on the window sill above the heart shaped garland, a jar of candy, red thread, heart shaped box of candy with a red bow, you're wearing a red dress, there is a gift bag with red hearts (so your hunny has already been by to visit).
Everything is lovey - lovely on your web banner
Yep, I'm a follower and what do I see? Heart balloons, heart bag, heart garlands, heart candies and red rose dog collar. You are definitely ready for Valentine's Day!
Heart balloons, heart garland (x2), doggie collar, heart candy box and a heart gift bag! I am...of course!...a follower!
I like your new banner. I am glad you had such a wonderful week with your granddaughter. I am looking forward to seeing my grandson in 10 days. Yeah.
So glad that you had fun! The valentines in your banner are:
Baloons, bag, candy box, dog collar and hear bunting.
Love the new banner,
there are heart Balloons, Choccies,
sweet Heart Bag, heart garlands on sewing table, Hearts on the Window, doggie has heart bow and of course the wizard of oz and the tin man has his heart :)
Cute, cute banner. Here are some Valentine-y things I saw: heart-shaped box of candy, heart balloons, rose on the dog's red collar, heart garland on the window and desk, and bage decorated with hearts.
I'm a follower.
I'm a follower! heart balloons,
heart garlands on the window and desk,heart candy in the jar,heart gift bag, heart box of chocolates. Thanks for a chance to win!
I am a follower. Your banner has hearts here: candy jars on desk, box of chocolates on desk, balloons, garland on desk & window, bag on desk. What fun - thanks.
I`m a follower.You have:
Heart candy box
Heart balloons and a dog collar
Hearts banner on the window
Heart banner at desk
nice heart bag on desk.
Thanks for the chance!
I'm glad you enjoyed a week with your GD. I have a GD that age too. I see heart buntings, balloons, dog collar, chocolate box, and a gift bag. Thanks for the giveaway.
Aren't grandkids fun. Hubby and I took a bunch of girls to a track meet this weekend, including our 14 yr old granddaughter. It was her first HS meet, she ran the mile and did good. I loved that she would sit with me and talk to me, Seems to me I remember my HS kids not wanting to be seen with their mom, let alone chosing to be with me. You certainly holidayed up your banner, I spy heart runners, balloons, the bag, the chocolate box, dog collar, red thread and the button jars. So fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
Heart banners on the window and desk.
Cute Valentine's bag
Dog's collar. (I love the dog's face.)
:) Happy early Valentine's Day!
Heart candy box
Heart gift bag
Dog Collar
Heart Banners
Heart Candy Box (I assume it's a box of candy)
Bow on Dog
Heart Garland
Heart Bag
Thank you for a chance to win!
1. Heart balloons on the spinning wheel. 2. Hearts under the window sill. 3. Hearts along the front of the desk. 4. Heart gift bag (full of fat quarters?) 5. Heart shaped box of candy on the desk. and bonus 6. lovely red flower on the dogs collar (the poor cat got left out). I could handle some of that bacon right now.
-heart Balloons
-The heart garland
- the Red rose collar
-heart shaped box of chocolates
-red heart gift bag
I'm a follower, Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Heart bag
Heart banner
Heart candy in a jar
Heart chocolate box
Heart balloons
Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
I am a follower. Heart balloons, heart garland on desk, heart garland on window, box of chocolate candi, heart gift bag.
Dog collar
Heart balloons
Heart garlands
Heart box of chocolates
Heart gift bag
Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I like your new banner!! Here's my list: Heart garlands, the dog's collar, heart balloons, box of candy, and the heart gift bag. Thanks
I love play time with Grand daughters. They are sooo much fun.
1. Heart banner under window.
2. Heart banner on sewing table.
3. Red collar on dog
4. Heart balloons
5. Hearts on gift bag
6. Heart shaped box of chocolate on sewing table. Of Course.
thank you for having this giveaway
i saw Heart balloons, rose collar on the dog, hearts hanging from the window sill under the cat
hearts hanging from the desk, heart bags, heart box of candy. sure am glad I was told about your blog!
aka kingcooper0001@aol.com
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