Sarah my friend from
sent me the link below (SlimKicker) about a website that
helps you keep track of your exercise, food choices health
challenges. There are contest/challenges that you can link
with others on the website. And, you can win rewards for
meeting your goals and/or challenges.
The food log in area appears to be similar to the Weight
Watchers online food log. You can make friends and
enter challenges with others on the site. Or, you can just
use the site on your own.
I signed up. It did say I could for FREE. If you don't sign up,
its a bit hard to see what all the site offers. Once I was "inside"
the website, I looked around to see if the FREE use of the site
the website, I looked around to see if the FREE use of the site
has a limited time. I didn't see anywhere that the site would
require fees for use....after a certain time. The website is new.
So, it's possible that they might charge fees for use at a later
date...once they have more people signed up and using it
regularly. To find out about it for yourself...
click on this link......SLIMKICKER
Setting goals, being accountable and rewards for
accomplishments are all important to doing what we need to
do to get and/or stay healthy. This site helps with all of those
things and, if YOU choose, you can link with others "walking"
a similar "health path" as you are.

It would be very know what YOU
think about the SlimKicker site?? =)
Black Bean Dip

Easy Black Bean Dip
1 can black beans
2 T. liquid from can of beans
squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice
1/4 t. onion powder
1/4 t. garlic powder
1/2 t. coriander
1/4 t. cumin
dash of cayenne pepper
big pinch of salt
1. Drain beans, reserving 2 tablespoons of liquid, then rinse in a strainer.1 can black beans
2 T. liquid from can of beans
squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice
1/4 t. onion powder
1/4 t. garlic powder
1/2 t. coriander
1/4 t. cumin
dash of cayenne pepper
big pinch of salt
2. Add beans, reserved liquid, lemon juice and all remaining ingredients to a food processor, mini food processor or blender.
3. Process until smooth then taste and adjust seasonings as desired.
4. Serve with baked tortilla chips...for a low fat treat.
~~an option: have a low calorie/high veggie salsa in a seperate dish to add along with the
Black Bean Dip.
Ruby's Report
Treadmill - 6 days at 2 miles. I was away from home, but was able to use
a treadmill at the clubhouse where I was staying. I still need to set a
PLAN to get in more least 1-2 days per week!!1 =(
Food - k, I was BAD about watching calories. I didn't eat junk, really...
just too many calories. And, I didn't drink as much water as I should've.
Weight(loss?) - I'm up 1.4.... UGH!!! all the hard work of the couple
previous weeks....down the tubes! I need to get meee TUSH back on
the WAGON!!

Add some red shoes and maybe a bow by her ear???
I'm thinkin....after my gain this week, this could be ME!
....and a wee bit more "bunny" humor....
How did YOUR week go????
You must've done better than I did!
I watched what I ate, and I walked a few times, and I gained 3 lbs in only one week. How did that happen? Totally discouraged. I'll never find a dress to fit me if I don't lose some weight. Ugh!
I haven't been able to do any walking for 2 weeks because of Sciatica. Today I am much better. I have been doing exercise and stretching for the Sciatica. Now it only hurts if I stand in one place too long. I hope to start walking again only Monday.
12 miles in a week is good! When I lost 30 pounds, I was only walking 3 times a week, but it was 3-5 miles each time, and not on a treadmill. The thought of doing that again is a deterrent to walking. LOL Best of luck to you.
I was only able to exercise twice this week and didn't drink enough water. My allergies have kept me from walking. I've got to get back on track. Monday is a fresh start. Thanks to you and to Sarah for the link. I will definitely check it out.
I'm getting ready for a trip with a few girlfriends (plus my hubby :)) and we're all trying to drop a few pounds before next month. It might be fun for us to join the site together! We'll look into it. Thanks for the tip, Annie!
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