Monday, May 21, 2012

It's a "stash mystery"...

I'm going to make a wild guess and say, that
there are certain color groups you tend to use most often
...colors that make you happiest when you work with them.

So with regards to does YOUR fabric stash

  It was a few months ago when I began moving
fabrics with certain color catagories to lower shelves for easier
access...that I was more keenly aware of the amounts of certain
colors.  I definitely have a few favorite colors
...Blues and deep Ruby-reds
Those who know me, will tell you there is a color
...that I try, every which-way to avoid and that is
A few color stacks DID surprised me.  One of the surprises,
the largest single colored stack in my stash is 
Another "colored-stack" surprise was the LACK of
...Pinks and Purples

To enter today's Mystery Monday to
...5 fat quarters in your choice of color(s)

Please leave a comment about
what the colors in YOUR stash would say about you...
What colors do you have the most of?
What colors do  you have the least of? 
And, are you surprised by some color shortages?

~~entries close Saturday May 26th, Midnight MT~~
*must be a follower to win


CONGRATS to the winner of last week's
Mystery Monday.


JOANNE  from
New Hampshire

You can visit her in blogland HERE


Mhairi said...

I have a lot of blues and novelty prints but very few purples. This is very surprising as this is my favourite colour and the one I buy a lot of. However, when I buy purple I use it so I guess that is why I don't have much in my stash.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations to Joanne. I review my colors every so often - which is hard in being a scrap quilter. But I replenish for equal piles with a FQ shopping trip (yardage to me). Although I think my blues and greens top the list - and my yellows were the least, but just fattened that pile.

Needled Mom said...

I have mostly greens and yellows. I was surprised by how many pinks I have when I don't quilt much with them.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Twenty years ago I bought my first house and decorated it in mostly teals and violets. Even now those are the most prominent colors in my stash, although I have lots of colors. I have the least of orange (probably because most orange flowers make me sneeze). Most of my orange fabrics are fabrics I've dyed myself.

Anonymous said...

i did the same as you Annie and i stacked my stash into colours and i was surprised,my biggest piles were green and pink,and i hardly had anything in purple or red.xx

quiltmania said...

My biggest stack was green, because I like it the least. To remedy this I made myself make a couple of scrap quilts using mostly green. My next largest stack is the novelty prints, as the are sometimes hard to use as well. My favourite colour is blue, so I have the least of it. Thanks for the give away!

B Greene said...

I have tons of blue and almost no yellow. It doesn't really surprise me because that is very true to my taste.

Josie McRazie said...

HA! I was just thinking about this yesterday! Can I tell you I have an OBSESSION with white on whites! Can you ever have enough of them! But colours... I do a lot of swaps and it seems that EVERYONE asks for shades of BLUE! And can you guess what my least favorite colour is... ummm yes, BLUE!! LOL

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Olá,eu tenho empatados verdes e marrons.Não tenho nenhum amarelo.E falta

Sarah Craig said...

My stash is looking pretty puny at the moment, since I moved the ministry fabric stash to church, but in what I do have, oranges lead the pack, with a big pile of black and white prints that I've been collecting coming in second.

Karen said...

I have mostly pink, probably cos I have 4 daughters! Not much in the way of blue though :(

Belinda said...

I knew I had a lot of blue, but didn't realize just how much until I reorganized my fabric cabinet the other day. The least I have is yellow. I love yellow, but just don't have much of it.

Cynthia said...

As a new-bee quilter, I have a limited stash, but most prominent are watery blues, and girly pinks.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebeckah Austin said...

I have a lot of blue, though I do not know why. I am on a pink and ornage phase right now. though I love all colors and am trying to make my stash more balanced.

Michele said...

Actually my stash isn't too bad, the colors are pretty equaled out but I do lack black and browns. I'm into colors so the blacks and browns I don't even look for when I'm in the stores.

Janet said...

I have the most of blues, although it isn't my favourite colour. I have made a concerted effort to add to the hot colours and have a good collection of reds, but oranges and yellows are more difficult to find. I have very few whites, blacks or browns/beiges. I guess I really like bright colours.

Colleen said...

My largest group is blues, but that is because I was collecting them for awhile to make a multi-blue quilt. (It is my favourite colour though). Least would be oranges and browns. Not my colours at all.

Sasha said...

I'm another one who has accrued green somehow. I wouldn't necessarily say it's a favourite colour even?! I have virtually no orange, but I am starting to appreciate it more so I think i'll be getting more.

Unknown said...

I have about equal amounts of green and grey. I actually recently re-organized my fabrics and was truly shocked how much blue I have! I seldom use it, so it was a total surprise.

Diann said...

I have a lot of purple, green, black and white. I have very little grey, orange, beige and brown. I'm surprised at the amount of purple and the lack of orange and grey.

Sheila said...

I have a lot of purple right now. Blue and green, too. I have a small amount brown.

Anonymous said...


c said...

BRIGHTS, lots of pinks, teals and turquoises and then my 30's is growing

love fabric like a new crayola crayon!

Christine M said...

I seem to have the most of green. The least is yellow. My stash isn't a very big one. Maybe I should start remedying that!

JoyceLM said...

I have lots of reds & greens - and I love Christmas so maybe that's why I have so many of those 2 colors. I have almost no grey fabrics - I'd rather use brown (which is a form of red, isn't it?)

~Kelie~ said...

Well, right now my stash wouldn't say too much. It would say "wow she buys whatever she sees" lol I am building it, I'm really trying to get a "rainbow" of variety in it! But I love the black, greys, and you're dreaded one, yellow!!!! Thanks for the chance to wiN!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I have a ton of pink, blue and green. What surprises me the most is I have next to no purple in my stash or scrap bins. Yellow and orange are low, too, but that wasn't too surprising. I have been working on adding more of those two colors, now to get on the purple hunt!

Jocelyn said...

I have a lot of blue in my stash, and pink comes in second. I don't really care for purple, but I do have some. I think the weakest color would be yellow. And although I don't use a lot of yellow, there are times when I need to add a bit of sunshine to a quilt.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

I have a ton of blue and pink is second. I have almost no brown except solid brown. And my favorite color is purple, but I am surprised I don't have much.

Rosa said...

My stash isn´t very big.I have green,my fav color but no black and few pink.Thanks!!

Sallie said...

I have mostly blues and reds, and need purples. I was surprised because orange is my least favorite color.

Tangos Treasures said...

I have lots of PURPLE!! YAY!! I love purple!! Least is green?? Not fond of it!! LOL

Jen said...

I organized my stash recently and found that I had almost NO blues or purples - and I had tons of greens and browns - And I expected to find that I had tons of pink, but I actually had very little.

Melissa said...

My stash is already sorted by color, and my tallest stack would be either greens or pinks, and my shortest stacks are red and purple. Red because I have used it a lot lately, and purple because I find it hard to find "good" purples. :)
I think my stash says that I like a variety of bright colors...which I do! :)

Barb Neiwert said...

I have an apparent lack of orange, yellow and the new grays. Not too many blues. What does it say about me? Guess it says I don't have too many oranges, yellows, grays, and only a few blues! (Don't worry about me - it's been a long Monday!)

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway chance, thank you! I have NO orange in my stash. There's only pink if it happens to be a Civil War Fabric. I have tons of batiks and CWs, and lots of them are the blue-green-purple colors. There's very little yellow, either, but lots of red. Color is so very personal!

Diane said...

I seem to have lots of neutrals, greens, blues, browns ... not so many yellows, pinks or reds ... funny thing is I love them all!! thanks:)

Lisa C said...

I have only been quilting 11 months so my stash doesn't match up to some. I also tend to buy in fat quarter bunches. I am just now getting enough confidence to mix and match on my own. Left to my own devices I would have LOTS of blues. I do tend to fall in love with multi-color batiks though. The ones that the longer you look at them the more colors you see.

Chatty Crone said...

Are those YOUR stacks? Gosh they are pretty - love the colors. sandie

~Dawn~ said...

I am reallylow on reds and yellows ~ have lots of browns and oranges. Thanks for the giveaway!

Chiska said...

I have no idea as most of my fabric has to be packed away in one form or another. I do notice that I have a novelty bent rather than a color one. I love all colors so I can't even guess at one that I might avoid. I can never pass up a pretty purpley blue though.

Jennyroo said...

I am surprised by the amount of fuschias and purples in my stash, because I don't think of those as colours that I am drawn to and yet there they are!

regan said...

I'm always shocked to see how much blue I have, cuz I'm not really a fan of blues! And I can't believe I don't have a huge section for blacks and greys, cuz I love them in everything, but I have very few! Of course, my favorite are the oranges, and I deplete it quickly and often!

I think my stash would definitely say that I love to hold on to everything, cuz there are some really old and uglies in there, and I just keep them around! Weird!

Ali said...

I seem to have the most greens of all ranges, and I'm a bit surprised I don't have more bright yellows and pinks and teals. I am also surprised I have as many light blues and reds as I do, since those aren't really my decorating style.

Dolores said...

I am in awe of your neatness. I think I have a lot of greens - don't know why. I love blues though. I found out that I am lacking in browns (or I was until I bought some fat quarters.)

KatieQ said...

I tend to have a lot of blues and almost no orange. It isn't a surprise because blue is my favorite color and orange is my least favorite.

Becky said...

I've just recently moved my stash from a closet to open shelving. I tend to purchase for specific projects. It's no surprise that I'm lacking certain colors - yellow, orange, white white. My favorite color is blue, but I don't have that much yardage of blue. I think it's because I used it in some of my quilts. Thanks for the wonderful stash photos! Have a great week!

heartsease54 said...

I just have way too much fabric. Lots of white on red, red on white, black on white, white on black, one whole bin of white on white, tons of blues shading to purple, plenty of greens and quite a few pinks. Colors I have the least of are browns, yellows, & oranges but I have a few. And a LOT of collections. 2 bins of just Christmas fabric, 1 bin of Laurel Burch, 1 bin of solids, 1 bin of combined Happy Mochi Yum Yum, Pam Kitty Morning & Laurie Holt. A few bundles of Kaffe, Sweetwater and a ton of other collections. I love flowers and beautiful gardens, but comparatively speaking, have fewer floral fabrics than anything else. Oh and a lot of my blues, purples & greens are batiks-a HUGE bin of them. Then 1 bin of blenders, 1 of novelty fabrics, 1 bin of precut collections, a small bin of jelly rolls. Whew! Time for a buying moratorium I think.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Does black count as a color? I have almost none of it in my stash. I have lots of blues, but, RED is my favorite color! Not many pinks, either.

Linda said...

Unlike you, I LOVE yellow! I add it to as many quilts as I can to add a little sparkle and sunshine! I also have a lot of reds and greens. I think my least favorite is probably brown. I have a lot of black but very little brown.

Martha said...

I have tons of everything...except orange and purple, no surprise there. Not a fan of either color. But blues, greens, neutrals lead the pack. Might have something to do with the fact that I am happiest when at the beach, watching the ocean. Have a great day!

Marcia W. said...

I love blues and have the least of those, perhaps because I use them in quilts. Pink is used less often, and I have the most pink. Must rectify that as all my grandnieces love pink. We have the least of yellow and orange. We tend to buy for projects so my mother's "scraps" from 65 years of sewing and quilting is our stash. None are large enough to fold and have so neatly placed on a shelf.

Bobbie said...

I am in the midst of sorting my stash - I have alot of novelty prints that were given to me by a dear friend, but they are prints I probably wouldn't have bought, so they arent being used quickly :) I seem to have alot of brights and alot of blue- in what Ive unearthed so far :)

Gwen said...

Congrats to Joanne!! :-) No doubt about the color I have the most of--- blue--- which is my all-time favorite color! :-) And the color that I have the least of is orange, which, I guess, is no surprise either. It's not that I dislike orange, (my favorite candy flavor is orange, and citrus is my favorite fruit!:-) but I just rarely even think of orange in my quilting designs....

Love Of Quilts said...

Orange and yellow are my least favorite. Reds and greens are my most favorite.

MulticoloredPieces said...

Hi, Annie. I don't want to win anything, but so glad you asked! As my stash is based on old clothing, yellow, orange and purple seem to be the smallest piles, whereas as blues and greens are the largest. Browns are a bit low as well. I wonder if this says something about how we dress?
best, nadia

Deb said...

Oh yes I rearranged my fabrics recently and was surprised to see how much blue, green and pink I had! I had no orange and very little purple, but purple is my fav color so that is weird! I have increased my color range somewhat as I am involved in a few bees so now have oranges!

Beth said...

Right now, my stash is organized by style or era (1930's, Civil War, modern, etc.), but I'm thinking of rearranging by color and so have looked at it that way. I was very surprised to see almost no pink, although that is the color I identify as my favorite. I have the most blues, which doesn't surprise me at all, since blue covers such a huge range and I've made a lot of quilts for other people using their favorite color, blue. I'm adding orange to my stash now; after years of disliking it, I've been won over.

PJ said...

I don't have my stash as nicely organized by color but by type is brights, florals, plains batiks and so on. I do have a good selection of the various colors except for tans and browns.

Joanne Lendaro said...

thanks for the fun giveaway!!

It was fun (and interesting) reading all of the comments on this post. Amazing how our color likes/dislikes really does influence our purchasing. Surprised to see so many "blues"....

Kim said...

Love this post! Those stashes look awesome! I just came back to quilting after several years away and I found that my color preference and styles have changed---except for the 1930's prints--I still love those!

Most of my stash is fat quarters--my biggest color stash is pink! the colors that are seriously lacking are yellows and oranges. I really love working with reds, aquas (another color really limited in my stash) and greys(basically nonexistent in my stash also!)