~~It's Mystery to me
...what makes a good swap, but here to give us some
GREAT ideas is...a GREAT GAL!
Hi! My name is Chrissie Grace and I am excited to be here guest posting today :)I am a mixed-media artist who dabbles in a little bit of everything and an author.My fourth book, Sew to Swap, was released this year and if you like to quilt than you will love this book.
After doing a series of on-line quilt swaps I was intrigued by the modern quilt swap movement and that is where I got the idea to write this book. I had the honor and privilege of working with some of the most talented modern quilters out there today to create some beautiful quilts.
The traditional quilt swap is being reinvented by Modern Quilters. Chrissie Grace and her contributors explore the different types of swaps with 10 different quilt projects. Each project is stepped out with clear, concise illustrated instructions on making the quilt as well as setting up a swap for that particular quilt. Each project features a photographed skills tutorial that will help the reader in making the quilt project, and will increase their skill set for use in future projects. The community aspect of quilting is brought to the book by the incorporation of popular swappers and bloggers insights into this exciting realm of shared art.
Here are just a few of the projects that are highlighted in the book:
In addition to quilting, I love to create faith-based art.
I paint, sew, and create mixed-media pieces that celebrate the joy and love of God.
Come check out my etsy shop here...
Here are some samples of the items I like to make and sell :)
I am also a very proud wife and mother, and I blog about all kinds of things over here on my blog. I hope to see you there! Thanks for your time, and have a blessed day!
Thanks Annie! :)
Thank YOU...Chrissie!! I LUV your art works! You know just how
to make a wonderful quote and/or loving phrase...
...are YOU ready to win one of Chrissie's NEW autographed
SEW TO SWAP books?
Here's what you can do to enter to win...
Go to Chrissie's blog HERE
then, come back to my blog and leave a comment
about something you saw on Chrissie's
blog that you thought fun/interesting =)
*Contest will close next Saturday 9th midnight MT

Congrats to our last Mystery Monday contest!
from Illinois
...and you can visit her in blogland HERE
Thank YOU...Chrissie!! I LUV your art works! You know just how
to make a wonderful quote and/or loving phrase...
...are YOU ready to win one of Chrissie's NEW autographed
SEW TO SWAP books?
Here's what you can do to enter to win...
Go to Chrissie's blog HERE
then, come back to my blog and leave a comment
about something you saw on Chrissie's
blog that you thought fun/interesting =)
*Contest will close next Saturday 9th midnight MT
Congrats to our last Mystery Monday contest!
from Illinois
...and you can visit her in blogland HERE
Oh the kiss of death, but someone has to be first right. I loved all the colors she uses, and I became a follower of hers too!
Ooo love her header bar and the gorgeous necklace in the lovely gift box!!
Loved the custom Be-you-tiful plaque.
I absolutely love the yellow and gray quilt. Beautiful combination. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the metal sculpture she photographed while on vacation - I love anything hanging from a ceiling :-)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Looks like a great book...
I used to swap a lot years ago when I first started quiliting.
I like the painting her students did of the Sock Monkeys! What a great idea and too cute!
What an amazing girl! I would love to win the book. I loved her blog. The sock monkey paintings by children really caught my eye because I love children's art! I also loved the "beYOUtiful" plaque!
This is a beautiful book and calls me to make some of the lovely projects. From Chrissie's blog I like the sock monkey painting post - the one where she writes about teaching art classes. The children's art is cute. Thanks for the giveaway of the book, as those quilts look great. My mother, aunts, and me could do our own family swap.
I love the super huge dragon made out of Legos....how fun!!!
Nice blog she has...I love the tree pillow and the one with Caitlan on it..and she takes beautiful pics of flowers...very nice.
Her blog is awesome! I love the way she's got it set up and the monkey painting- AH-DOR-AH-BULLLLL!!!!!!!!!
The monkeys
wow! she sure is talented. the books looks like it would be a great win.
I thought her rainbow sayings on the fence was pretty cool.
Eu gosto de tudo,mas o que eu sempre amo são as almofadas e travesseiros.G ênio dizer que é um livro de sucesso?Eu gostaria muito de ter na minha mesa de trabalho.Obrigada.
She had some monkey pictures reminded me of being a kid.
Lots of interesting things on her blog. Notably she had a link to the book 7:An Experimental Mutiny Against Success and I just spent half an hour reading excerpts from it. Off to see if my library has it now.
Her Faith print with "Faith in God includes Faith in His Timing" - that's the 2nd time in 2 days that I've seen that and I know that God has that there for me. Thanks for the giveaway!
"Be-You-tiful" is a message my niece needs to see, everyday. I have "favorited" this shop and will return there when her birthday draws near.
Thanks for the introduction. I have admired Chrissie Grace's books but never happened upon her blog or shop.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I visited her site, loved all of it, especially what she did with her kids drawings, and then the bead work she bought-they are gorgeous! and the rose was almost to smellivision-lol
I love the yellow toenails! Of course it is all wonderful.
Loved the pic of Chrissie's yellow toenails. Thanks for the chance to win
I love Chrissie's blog and i love the pic of Chrissie wearing a big bang theory t-shirt,i love this show also,thankyou Annie for another great giveaway.xx
I just love all the rainbow of colors she uses in her artwork. I also checked out what other books she's published. The Sharing Stitches book looks neat. Thanks for this giveaway Chrissie, and to Annie for hosting it!
I enjoyed the sock monkey pictures on her blog. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.
I liked the baseball stitch wrist wrap. And the sayings, and almost everything. But I think most of all I liked the "bookends" What a good picture.
She appears to be a very busy and creative mommy too.
Hello just passing your way tonight and wanted to say hello. sandie
I have the book Sew to Swap and I adore it!! The patterns are all so lovely. I like that there are small projects too as that is more my type of quilting :).
I saw this book when I went to Barnes and Noble the other day. It had some cute projects. Now someone out in blogland and/or flickr needs to get going and post one of those block swaps. I would be interested.
Neal A. Maxwell's faith quote is something I learned all over again for the thousandth time this last weekend. I love what she did with it!
dezertsuz at gmail
I love Chrissie's "Family Rules"!
I love Chrissie's pics of her kids! especially her 'fisherman'(I have two of those!!)
Sew to Swap looks a great book!
That book looks really fantastic. Some of those projects would be a blast to make.
I saw her $1 pirate accessories froM Target and I have to see if my local store has some too. My kidlets like playing pirate.
Her birthday is in June, just like mine! She is so creative, all those fun sayings...
I visited her and love that she shares her family with us! The little guy next to the tree was very crative!! :)
I have been following Chrissie for at least two years now and am always so inspired by the things she posts. Her art style is so fun and colorful. My favorite things are her quilts and mosaic's, but something interesting I saw on her list this morning was that she and Ava are taking dance classes. I want more specifics...I am picturing Irish jig for some reason, but wonder what the real story is! Thanks for the chance to win!
I read Chrissie's blog on a regular basis. My favorite projects of hers are the lucky finds that she gets at Goodwill and makes them her own.
Wow-that salad below looks delicious! I can't wait to try it.
I really enjoyed her "I workout" post. I have run 10 marathons and yet right now I can only run about three miles. Her post and your weight loss posts are inspiring as I try to get myself back into shape.
I love the wooden plaques that she sells-especially the FAMILY RULES!
I have followed Chrissie for a while and I love all her prints. I also really like the tree pillow.
I like the post of Monday, June 4, 2012, showing her creative children.
I love her print, "You are beautiful and brilliant." I would love to have my daughter wake up each day and see that print on her wall.
The BeYoutiful pillow says just what I want my niece to believe about herself. Love it.
Although it isn't a particular *thing*, what I liked about Chrissie's blog is the overall positiveness of it. I felt that each post was a motivational talk! And the organization of student work - boy wish I'd had that about 30 years ago!
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