Have you ever heard the saying that an old time Yankee baseball player
named Yogi Berra used to say?
"When there's a fork in the road, take it"

Well, that's what I did a few months back when I separated my blog into
two blogs.
(1)...this main blog "Annie's Ruby Slipperz" was/is mostly about
quilting and Saturday's "health" posts.
(2)...second blog, "I Play With Fiber" was to be more about
spinning, weaving, knitting...fiber-ee stuff
SO...here is my question to YOU.
In these last few months, I've been struggling to write in just one
blog. I've been thinking to close the "fiber-eee" blog and just
combine it with this one. (you can see the tabs up top...)
What do YOU think???
Should I keep them separate? Or... would it be interesting to
you to read about the fiber stuff even if it isn't a hobby that
you spend time doing?
I haven't done a giveaway in a loooooong time. Here is one that I
hope you will enjoy!
So, if you are a follower, and leave a comment with YOUR opinion
to my question above....
You will be entered to WIN**. When your name is drawn,
I will contact you, and you can choose which of the books you
would like!
**Entries will close on
....MONDAY August 13th midnight Mountain Time.
I think it is fine to combine them. You need to do what is right for you. People always have the option of breezing through the blog post if they don't really feel like reading it. I'm sure they belong to about 200 like many people. If it is interesting, and we have time, we read it. If it doesn't really interest us, we just buzz through it because we are busy, or aren't into it at the moment. You have to live for YOU!
I would say to combine them. I like to read about other crafts too. But you need to do what is best for you. :-)
Hi Annie i would combine them as i find different things to what i am doing interesting,so go for it and as you know i am a happy follower.xx
I would like to see them combined too. We all have many interests and it would be much easier on you to only write one blog and have time to do the fun things too. I'm a very happy follower and I will continue to be! :-)
I love all kinds of crafting and I think a lot of quilters have another craft they do. Combining makes all the sense - and you never know, you may introduce someone new to something new.
I think combining them is a good idea. I too have an interest in other crafts, although I may not do them as much as I used to. People certainly have the option of skipping posts about subjects that don't interest them. However, I think it's more likely that your readers may discover something else they'd like to try.
Conbine them if it makes life easier for you. I love fiber arts, too, and I would guess many quilters do also. I am a happy follower of your blog and enjoy all the posts you write!
Combine them! I can't tell you how many times I try new, creative, endeavors because of postings on "quilt blogs". I follow this blog but am always hesitant to add a new one...I follow so many already. Thanks for asking! Toni
Combine them! THe pressure of keeping up two blogs is keeping you from posting on either. My blog started as primarily a quilting blog, but now it's more like my scrapbook. I read a lot of blogs that are about much more than quilting. I'd love to learn more about your fiber-y stuff!
Because your blogs are both craft related, perhaps it would be easier for you to combine them. I have two blogs, but they are unrelated. One is my quilting blog, and the other is more about thrifting.
Looks like everyone agrees - combine them!! It will be easier on you, and less of a "split personality" problem! Just be who you are - we love you even if it's something other than quilting!!
I definitely think you should combine them! So many quilters are also involved in fiber arts of different kinds too. I also enjoy knitting, crocheting and embroidery. I have difficulty keeping up with one blog - I couldn't imagine the headache of trying to manage two! You could say the new, inclusive blog would be more for the bang! LOL!!!
I would say combine them! I have to agree exactly with the words of Quilty Conscience, there are many things I have tried or been interested in because I have seen it on a blog I normally follow. And others are right, if one does not want to read on it they may look on to other postings instead, both groups have a bit to enjoy! I am glad you are back, I have been looking for you!
I think if you are finding it stressful to keep up with two blogs, by all means combine them. I don't read all of the blog posts that I subscribe to, just the ones I have time to read or are interested in. I read about hobbies other than ones I am involved in just because it interests me.
Combine them by all means! Two blogs must be extremely hard to maintain. I can barely maintain one and do the other things I need to do. I would love to see what else you are doing and I'm sure others would too.
I would combine them. I have to be truthful and didn't even know you had another blog but I would love to see what else you work on. My blog is a passion for applique but I show other things I do too. Some things not even related to quilting. I just share what I want.
I just went to your other blog and I think it would be great to show us all the things you like to do.
I think one blog would be just fine. I like to see everything that you are working on.
Combine them! I would love to see your fiber-ee stuff. That's how we learn about new things and maybe get a new hobby - just what I need right now! LOL...
I think combinding them is great. I sew but I love inspiration from all sorts of crafts and you do so many, it is always fun to see. I think the tabs are great as I can choose what I want to browse as well. Do what works for you!
I adore your new blog banner!! You look so cozy in your big chair :).
I think combining them would be great. I love all things fiber and would love to keep up with you in one place.
Miss ruby Slippers,
I think that the two blogs combine nicely and would be fine with you having just one blog. I am sure it is hard to sort and decide which info goes to which blog. Besides I would ju find it difficult to make enough time to manage two blogs- I know I find it challenging sometimes to manage my one blog . I will continue to follow your blog which ever way you decide to go.
I think the second book looks interesting- I am sure the first one is fun too but I have a large stash that always needs more projects to use it more.
Regards from Western Canada,
I think you should combine them. I don't knit or do anything but quilt, so sometimes I scroll over that part when I read blogs that touch on embroidery or whatever else. But sometimes I read it with interest, so go for it! It looks like most of us are in favor of it.
Anything that makes life easier is how I roll! I guess that's a vote for one blog. A wise woman once told me that life has so many things we cannot control or get a choice in, that when it comes to a decision that will improve our life, time, etc, make the choice for ease and peace of mind!
I vote for your happiness!
I think you should combine them into one big blog. I only have one blog and there are times I struggle as to what to post about. I'm busy knitting and sewing but I don't always have something to show. I think we all try to make our blogs fun and interesting so it must be doubly hard when you have 2 blogs. I think you would make your life much easier if you just had one. We all want to simplify! That's what you'd be doing!!
Sometimes when I have a decision to make, I often choose the answer that will most simplify my life. So, in answer to your question, I would combine the blogs - to simplify your life. That's what I would do. : )
I think it's a great idea to combine them. I crochet and I'd love to hear about fiber and other yarn goodies. I occasionally show yarn and things I've crocheted on my quilting blog. Go for it!
I think you should combine them. It is fun to read about all sorts of projects. Not everything has to be about quilting. Fiber includes a lot of things. I write about all sorts of things. It is my journal, more or less, and I like it that way. Have fun!
No problem, dear. Combine them. I like to read about crafting, quilting, etc.
I combined sewing, cooking and traveling in my blog. I decided not to have separate blogs.
Great giveaway :D
I like the Quilted Gifts from your Scraps and Stash book.
I struggle with reading blogs anymore. Once every week or two. I had to really cut back. Now I have a younger one doing school and since I am his teacher there is much work involved.
That being said, please keep blogging about the fiber, but you can combine into one.
I think combining them is a GREAT idea, partly for a selfish reason--I like to read them both, but often don't have time. thanks for taking the time to blog when you can--it's always great to read you. :)
Well for me combining them would be great. sandie
Looks like I'm joining the majority - I agree that combining them is just fine. I'm a quilter, but I've done other crafts in the past, and enjoy reading / hearing about them too.
I'm interested in all kinds of crafts and spinning and weaving are right up there. I'd be sad if there was never any quilting goodness, but a combination is a great idea.
I think combining them is perfectly fine.
Hi, Annie. I don't want to win anything, but I do agree with the overwhelming majority--combine! Centralizing things seems logical to me.
best, nadia
I would definitely combine them - after all it's your blog! I have to admit I didn't know you had a second blog!
I say combine them too!
As most everyone, I agree you should combine the blogs. Sometimes it becomes difficult to just keep up with one blog and you need to do whatever keeps your sanity. I have missed you while you have been "re-grouping" and so don't want you to become so overwhelmed with trying to keep up that we lose your wonderful blog entirely!
I just don't want you to get me interested in another new hobby.
I've been struggling with the same issue. I think it would be easier on you to combine them. I know it would be easier for me to combine mine, but I share one with my daughter, so that really wouldn't work so well for me.
I only sew/quilt, but I like looking at posts about yarn and other textiles, so combined is nice!
I agree with the majority that you should combine them. It's easier for you and most of us have multiple interests.
Combine them! For the time saving...we all write about different things.
Your time is valuable so go ahead and combine them. Readers can always choose what to read or skip over according to their interests. Welcome back!
it is your time, your life=make it easier on yourself. I tend to read blogs that are dealing with life and quilting. Like Judy's Patchwork blog, she has several titles in her blog to discuss. It gives us the chance to not read or to read each. I knit once every 10 yrs. so not into fibers like I use to be. I havent sewn in 9 months, so I have a mental block going on. You DO what YOU want to.
It is nice to combine them. You must do what you feel better. hugs
You have to do whats best for you so I say combine them. I wouldnt mind seeing the fiber stuff, and if not, I can bypass it. Again you need to do whats best for you. We will adjust. Take care.
Combine! Life is too short to write loads of blog posts, you need the time to knit, spin or whatever else takes your fancy.
It's nice to have you back posting no matter what subject you are writing about. It would be lovely to read and learn more about fiber arts. If it works for you to combine your blogs, I'll be here happily reading whatever you are posting. Please do not put me in for the giveaway. Although the books look lovely, I just won a book from you during the H2H challenge.
hey girlfriend... I'm with alot of others. .. if it's in front of me I READ IT AND it's available.. you are so lucky to have so many followers.... I don't grow ... i think I must be boring.. but I'm nice and I love people..
Annie your the best to like you told me once... just Beeee the Best you can Beee!.. love ya b.j.
Mz Annie....I would recommend that you do what ever is easiest and enjoyable for you. Blogs are a selfish sort of story telling and you get to tell what ever story you want to :)
I'd combine it so you don't have to hop back and forth and just write what ever comes to your mind...well...perhaps a little editing would be good...LOL
I haven't read the others comments, but my humble opinion is that you should just do one. And write about exactly what YOU want to write about. If people are interested, they'll read it. And if not, so what? It's your time and trouble and effort. And the quilters out here might learn something about fiber arts, and the fiber folks might want to start sewing. Who knows?
Short and sweet, cuz that's how I roll.
Combine them. =)
Combine them - don't make yourself crazy trying to keep up with two blogs!
I think combining the two blogs would be fantastic. It would save you time and introduce something new to us quilters! Good luck with your decision and thanks for the giveaway.
Simplify , simplify simplify! Definitely combine them.
I am a follower already.
I would say to combine both into one blog... I don't mind reading since I love both:)
One of the reasons I loved your blog when I first found it was the diversity of the crafting.
I have enjoyed reading the two blogs but if it is a choice between one blog or no blog then combine them. Also, even if the craft you are posting about is not something I am doing at this time, it is lovely to see your creations and gain some inspiration from them.
I would definitely combine the two blogs. I will be a follower of your blog(s) no matter what!!!
I am in the same dilemma, although my hobbies are not as closely tied: 1. Glass bead making ~ and ~ 2. Quilting. Just after I started quilting (not quite a year ago), I created a new blog just for it. Lately I've been considering combining the 2 again, but I do like the looks of them both! But like you, I do struggle to get them posted.
I'd suggest since your blogs both entail textiles, to combine them. Just my 2 cents. I enjoy your blog, and will follow wherever you go :-)
I love the different things you do and show us. If there are no posts sometimes, don't beat yourself up about it. We all understand you are a real person, not a robot.LOL
Combine the two. It will be fun to read about both worlds.
I only quilt, but, I look at the other fiber things on other's blogs. Combine them into one blog.
I vote for combining them - less work for you, and enjoyable for us all :D
Combine them! I think that the simple way to follow ;)
I have just been trying to work out how to make my blog more simple and less cluttered. First and foremost I think your blog should be for you. If it helps you be more organised keep the subject matter separated. If you want to see what you are doing at a glance then it might be better to have it all in one blogspot. I am thinking that I will include entries on a variety of subjects - My life is a patchwork, not of individual blocks but a beautiful quilt and I think blogging it all together will make me feel better.
My opinion is for you to do what you want to do with your blog. It seems like one blog would be easier. Take care!
Combine them and save yourself some time to do the things you enjoy the most!
I like blogs when they are a combo of things. I mean we are not just a one trick pony right?? Yes, I love to quilt, but I also have a family, I camp, I am human! In this cyber world I think that showing multiple sides of yourself make the blog much more personal. Just my opinion!
Hey, I wrote to you before about my weight loss. I was about 165-167 and I just weighed myself tonight and I'm 139. Under 140...woot woot!!!
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