It's been a long time since I've heard from so many of you. I've been away from Bloggerland for almost 2 years and I'm sure lots of things have transpired in your lives in the last two years as it has in mine. At 64 years old, I feel like the "other side" of the mountain. And the toboggan is time. It just seems to go faster as my years get closer to the bottom of the mountain side.
I'm feeling the urge to get back to blogging. Yes, as many of you know me well...urges can come and go in a few minutes! LOL. I did really enjoyed blogging before. Then, I passed through the Instagram door! Different world over there. It seems so much easier/faster to post pictures and put just snippets of conversation. Quick, quick, quick and right from my phone! I found that I was just doing it more and Blogger less.
Looking back to when I first started my blog, there were some specific reasons in my mind. I wanted to stretch my brain and learn something new. Sometimes I was a frustrated mental mess trying to figure something out...picture a tangled ball of yarn and trying to untangle it! LOL. I guess my brain wasn't quite as stretchable as it I thought! But, at the same time, when things did work out (either with someone's help or my hours of trying) was gratifying.
Another reason was to create a journal of my some of my life's activities, ideas and perspectives so that I could look back on them. Maybe even my kids or family might look back on it too. I have good friends that I don't see very often because they live far away. Blogging seemed a great way to share pictures of projects and some of my crazy adventures with them as well.
Also, I wanted to be helpful to others...that might come to visit the blog. Maybe a helpful experience, an insight or just to put a smile on a few faces, was a goal.
It made my heart happy to blog with these reasons in mind. Making one's heart happy (as well as other people's) is an important part of life...don't you think? =).
The blog hat has been in my closet for some time now. I'm going to put it back on and see where the path takes me next.
Here are some questions for you, if you don't mind commenting:
1) Why do you like to blog (if you have one)
2) What are reasons you visit other blogs?
3) Since March of 2015, what memory makes you most happy?
*If you answer all three questions, your name will be put in a drawing for the **giveaway below. (drawing closes Friday February 24th midnight mountain time. Winner will be announced Saturday the 25th)
*Five Fat Quarters of quality cotton fabrics (includes free shipping)
Have a great rest of your weekend! See you next week!
... =D

Glad to see you back. As for your questions:
1) I started to share creative ideas. Lately its turned into a place to vent.
2) Mainly to see what others are sewing and crocheting, although I hop over to others to check out home decorating or fashion.
3) Since March of 2015, what memory makes you most happy? I gained a son-in-law on April 4, 16 and a daughter-in-law on October 29,16. (add in both rotator cuff surgeries last year - my finances are in the toilet!)
Yay good to see you posting!!
I tried to change my blog name now nobody can see me :(
1. A way to keep track of what I'm doing, share recipes.
2.hehe cause I'm nosy!!
3. To be ALIVE!!! After battling bladder cancer and 20 plus surgery's, too many complications. I made it out ALIVE!!! Thank You Jesus!!
Happy to see you back. I always love it when a blogger returns and pops up on my blog roll again.
1.) I have kept a journal since I was ten years old (70 now) so blogging seemed right for me. I am approaching my 11th year with this blog.
2.) The other blogs I visit are now my friends. I feel like I am sitting down in their homes for a chat. Most are inspiring, entertaining and informative.
3.) Lots of special happenings since March 2015 with most including my children and grandchildren. Too many to list:-)
1. I blog as a way to keep track of stuff. I don't have many blog visitors (don't do much/any promotion and have been a bit sporadic lately) but I like being able to go back and see why I chose things on certain quilts or other bits of my life that pop in.
2. I like being inspired, and start to get a bit invested in the lives of the people I read about. You can't read about someone's life without feeling a little like you know them.
3. Watching my baby grow up. He just turned 1 this month and the changes he's gone through are astounding.
Welcome back!
Let's chat!
1) I don't have a blog, but I can say I prefer blogs to Instagram
2) I enjoy reading blogs that have the voice of their blogger. I mostly read quilting blogs, but also political blogs, bookish blogs, and some home-family-country living blogs, and that's what they all have in common: a real sense of the blogger.
3) Perhaps the memory that makes me happiest is the adoption of our rescue pups. We adopted each of them from high kill shelters in Texas and they were flown to us to come live in rural Oregon. When our pups first ventured out into our big, fenced green yard--acres of it--the joy they exhibited was so heartwarming. I think of that when life is hard or they are naughty.
It HAS been a long time! Happy to see you here. 1) I've been blogging since the mid-90s, yes, almost at the beginning, on LiveJournal. I like the interaction there better than other social media. I feel that I really get to know people. Faster, in my book, is NOT better! And not always faster, either. LOL
I've met a lot of my blogger friends in real life, at quilt shows and other kinds of GTs. I do Instagram, but I'm not connected to my phone by a tether, and often forget to even look for days at a time, even a couple of weeks. It's a pain, honestly. FB is never going to happen at my house. I don't like the privacy issues, and have no interest in the time stealer it becomes for everyone I know who does it. Twitter is also not going to happen. I have better things to do.
2) I visit other blogs to see what other quilters are doing, how they are doing it, what new things are going on in other parts of the country and world, and just because they are my friends. I like to cheer on other people's goals. I like to see what they are reading, and what they are eating, too! I like to interact with other people on a more than brief basis.
3) Might be finishing my Calico Rose quilt, based on a tutorial by Wedding Dress Blue.
I hope you will stick around in blogland. If you click my name, it should take you to my blog. If it doesn't, it will take you to an empty profile. I am not on blogspot.
Hello and Welcome Back.
Blogging for me is connnecting with interesting and/or like minded people. It is a way to share and have friends all over the world. In this uber fast paced world so many people have phased out blogging and have embraced social media like FB, IG and what ever else there is. I shall continue to blog and as life is busy I haven't kept up as regularly as I would like to.
read other's blogs to learn and see what is being created and done and explored.
Last January 2016 Hubby got serious and we are exploring our options for relocating to live out our Sunset years...out of California. Our home is listed and now we wait...and wait...and wait!
Keep on blogging...<3
Oh, I'm so glad to see you back here again!!! And I love your St. Patty's Day blog header... Now on to your three questions - (1) I like to blog because (a) it keeps a record of everything I'm working on, and (b) I get to meet lots of really cool people that way! (2) I visit other blogs for inspiration and to learn new techniques AND to catch up on my blog friends' lives! (3) Hmm, I think it might have to be having a grandson added to our family, as our daughter adopted from China! And good friends who helped make it all possible...
I still wear and love my "ruby slippers"!
You have been MISSED!!!!! I hope you do get back to blogging. I don't really need any more fabric, but, I'm happy to answer your questions.
1) I blog for several reasons, including to journal what crafty things I'm doing (and some of the machines I collect, but only some, not all). I also blog to let friends know what I'm up to (those that are far away).
2) I visit other blogs for a couple of reasons, too. To get new ideas, and learn new things, and also to keep up with bloggy friends (some have become very special to me).
3) My youngest son got married in May 2015. I now have a 'daughter', too!
Hi Ms Ruby! Happy to see you back, dear. I followed you for a long time.
1) I have a blog. It's a journal of most of the things I sew.
2) I visit other blocks to keep up with blog friends. To see how they are doing as well as seeing what they are sewing or cooking.
3)The birth of my first great-grand child was pretty AWESOME!
Good to see you back!!
1) Why do you like to blog (if you have one)
I do have one - it keeps me in touch with bloggy Friends who do not do FB or IG
but mainly because I have a record of what I made and when I started it
2) What are reasons you visit other blogs?
as above - to keep in touch with bloggy friends and to see what they are up to
3) Since March of 2015, what memory makes you most happy?
mmm that's difficult - maybe just having some special friends or one of my sewing retreats
Hi Annie. Welcome back. I blog because I enjoy it. It is also a sort of diary/journal. I visit other blogs for inspiration. I have lots of happy memories since March of 2015. Mainly to do with my family and my stitching.
Hi Annie welcome back.
I love to blog as it is a way of making new friends.
I visit other blogs as i find that is where i get a lot of my inspiration from,and its a good way of keeping in touch with blogging friends.
Hmmm let me see ,i think my best memory is when i went to Brisbane with my blogging friend Cheryll and we meet up with our other blogging friends for 4 days of fun and laughter,plus i had never been to Brisbane and i had a ball.
Good to have you back my friend.
Wow! Two years? I didn't realize it had been that long. Welcome back.
I prefer blogs too. I always want the whole story. And I like to tell the whole story so I blog. I visit other blogs for inspiration in my quilting, and I feel the ones I see regularly are my friends after a while. Best memory since March 2015 is a toss up between ending chemo and the birth of my first granddaughter. Both life affirming things. Welcome back to blogging Annie.
Stumbled on your blog this morning. I too have been a bit scattered in postings. Not years, but months as life took us on some interesting journeys in between. Welcome back
Forgot to answer your questions:
1) Why do you like to blog (if you have one)
I love sharing our journey through some crazy times and some beautiful places.
2) What are reasons you visit other blogs?
Inspiration. Information. Recipes. Projects. And a bit of curiosity as to what others are up to.
3) Since March of 2015, what memory makes you most happy?
2015 brought sorrow for us. However, it created a sentimental journey to places I hadn't seen or been. We did a road trip to the memorial, 4600 miles round trip in 10 days creating 2600 photo memories.
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