I'm creating a challenge for myself...and, anyone who would like to sew...along. =)
It's a challenge to sew just 30 minutes each day (6 days a week, 1 free day) for the whole month of May 2017.
What gave me the idea for this challenge was an article I read (here) written by John Clear. He believes that one should focus on the system (how you get to the goal) instead of the goal itself. He says that focusing on the goal(s) to heavily is counterproductive. As I looked back on my Weight Watcher journey started last October 2016, and my goals while using the Treadmill 6 days a week, I realized that I've been more successful this time around because I've wanted the journey to be important. The journey is where I'm learning how to stay with the good habits and how to improve the habits too.
I do have goals in place for each of these areas. But, I've not hired an executioner in my mind to stand me before a mental firing squad, if I don't reach my goals on a specific day in time. I do set some consequences for myself but they are part of the system along the journey.
So...for this Sew30Sew FUN challenge:
Goal: To get more sewing done on a daily/weekly basis, having FUN at the same time!!
In doing so, I hope complete some of my P.I.P.s (projects in progress).
System Rules:
---I will sew a minimum of 30 minutes each day 6 days each week, giving myself one day off
---What I sew each day can be randomly chosen, does not have to be the same project each day
or even the same project for the whole 30 minutes
---It must be ACTUAL sewing time...not rearranging my sewing area, or cleaning the sewing
room. LOL
---The 30 minutes CAN be divided into increments throughout the day
--- I *will* allow myself to start new projects. This is not a challenge to finish projects started.
At the end of the month, I will give a way the total dollar amount I've put my "cyber-jar" as a Gift Certificate. To have a chance(s) in the random drawing at the end of the month, a person must make a comment (or comments) on my weekly "check-in" posts, either on this blog or on my Instagram: anniesrubyslipperz (#Sew30SewFUNMay2017)
Get your sewing area ready...maybe set out a few things you've been wanting to sew on, and...
~~ GO! ~~
Let the challenge PARTY begin...

Looks like fun, Annie - and I love the button!!! Good luck!!
I usually get to do this already. Not sure I can at the end of the month, since I just found out that I'll be traveling. I'll make up for those days, earlier in the month, by doing some 'power sewing' to get my deadline things done before I leave. I want to see a better pictures of that lovely sewing machine that the doll is trying to use. I'm already drooling, and I can't even see it well. The color alone is making me drool (besides it being a vintage machine).
I really like this idea and hope to copy it. Having the challenge is good and the 30 minute slot seems achievable - we'll see how it goes! Thanks for the inspiration.
Okay, I'm in! I try to sew every day, but there are days when something distracts me and then it's up in smoke. 30 minutes a day, M-S for me, since I don't sew on Sunday anyway. Hand or machine stitching. In your mind, does cutting count, or only time with needle in hand or foot on the pedal? dezertsuz at gmail I'll post this on QuiltBOM, too!
I sew at least 30 minutes a day, but I do skip some. I'll tag along to not miss any of the six. Nice idea.
I am up to the challenge. I need to spend more time sewing and hopefully this will do the trick. I did spend more than 30 minutes today so I am off to a good start.
Great idea. I'll get a post out on this tomorrow and encourage people to participate too!
I'm in, I've several projects that I need to make progress on and doing this will help me get there. Read about it on Desertskyquilts. =)
30 minutes everyday for the whole month of May seem to be a great encouragement for a newbie ... 30 minutes is doable not too overwhelming. I take the challenge :)
It's worth a try; however, it will be interesting to see how I manage while on vacation. And with local quilt show coming up,it will be easy to sew30 min (+) each day this week. (And every year I swear I'll not enter anything not already finished ...blew it again.)
I'm in... I'll take that challenge :)
After "getting" the challenge, I AM IN. Hope to sew every day of May and hope to have fun with the process. Thanks Annie ;-)
Thanks for this challenge. I will find at least 30 minutes each day to make progress on a quilting project. This little bit of structure will be helpful.
This would be really good for me. I'll give it a try. :)
I'm in! I have so much I want to get done and I need to spend a little less time online, so this could help. Thank you for this and thank you to Sarah Craig for linking to it!
Okay! I'm in too!
This is a wonderful idea! I should be doing this, but I don't...so thanks for the challenge!
I love this idea of concentrating on doing 30 minutes each day for 6 days a week. I have just started into FMQ. So this is a great challenge for me.
Sure, I'm in. Since I've returned to work five days a week, 30 minutes a day is probably about all I can fit in! Thanks for organizing this!
I'm going to give this a go. I have been shooting for at least 10 mins a day. shall be interesting, since my primary machine is at the spa for at least two weeks. thank goodness I have a few backups. I have been meaning to work on some minis for a section of wall, this may be a good opportunity for that. ;)
For a few years my belief is that it's about the journey, not the destination, so I can relate to this post. I'm glad I found you....I think this will be a very productive month!
I will give it a go. Marking days off on my calendar.
What a fun challenge for yourself, I try to keep it real... I just keep that sewing machine and all my mess out so that I sew any few minutes I can! ~ And I love Ernest Hemingway~ your quote button is quite adorable!
I am in. I usually get sewing time in every day, but this is a good way to make sure I do.
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