How did you do this last week? Did you do 30 minutes, all 6 days? Or was your progress, at least, better than the week before you started the challenge?
I was able to do 30 minutes (and a few days I did more, yay!) each day for 6 days. The first few days were harder to get myself on THAT chair in front of my machine. And, get the sewing in motion. I don't know why I was dragging my feet? Why did I wait until later in the day, sometimes after dinner, even though I did have time earlier? These are things I want to figure out. I DO like to sew. But, for some reason I have a hard time just getting started. eeeek...crazy mind of mine!!
Well, this is one of the reasons that I wanted to do the challenge for myself. I want to learn why I drag my feet, why I just don't "get in there!!" and put my foot to the sewing machine pedal.
I did learn that it was satisfying even for the 30 minutes. And, the accomplishments... as I looked back...however small, made me happy (insert a nice big smile here).
Okay...a girl can have more than one project in progress on her design wall, right?
The Stars are part of my Buggy Barn "Reelin" quilt. This is the quilt that I worked on
for the first week of the challenge.
these last two pictures are my favorite darker background stars
So...what did you learn? What did you accomplish? It's not a challenge for competition. It's more to see how the challenge can improve your motivation and help with a habit to fit some "working on projects" into your schedule on a regular basis. If you did less days and or less time, than someone else, you are NOT failing. If you even got a few more stitches completed than the day or week before, KUDOS to YOU!!! =D Celebrate the progress! =D
Please leave a comment...tell us what progress you are celebrating! Each time you let us know how you are doing, you get another chance in the "end of month drawing" (minimum of $20 gift certificate to your favorite online quilty/crafty shop)
Let's put more momentum in this next, upcoming week. We can do it...we CAN make PROGRESS on our projects.
30 minutes of SEW FUN!

Grab a friend to make the 30 minutes even more
I DID do it! Several times 45 minutes and once an hour and a half. That hour and a half moved along a project where I had been dragging MY feet - and like you, I'm still not sure why. The time was done over two days - ha, ha, it spanned midnight! It was my second sewing that started very late Friday night and ended very early Saturday morning - but at least 30 minutes were on Saturday. I spent most of my time on one project - my H2H Challenge donation quilt, which now only needs the last border - this week's work, maybe? I also have a binding this week, and I hate binding, so I'm hoping the challenge gets me there! I have two friends I know are doing it, too.
Thanks so much for doing this. I really like your stars, and think the alternating blocks are going to be light background stars? Maybe?
I did it! My time got split up in the middle of the week when I missed a couple of days because of some major dental work. But I more than made up for it on the weekend when I did about 4 hrs of work in one day. =) Made progress on several projects, and one of them is about done.
Well, good thing Sunday was my day off because I was in a blue funk and had no impetus to sew. It might have been the weather: rainy, cold and gloomy which is so unusual for us in May in Southern California. Friday and Saturday I was at Mom's and a quilt show, so no sewing then. All in all only sewed Monday and Thursday, but Monday did about 2 hours and Thursday another hour, so I did my time - lol. Hope to spread it out more this week, but it's my busiest week of the month, sigh. At least I've done my 30 already today plus more. Got a top done. You can see it at my blog.
I did sew everyday but two days it was only 15 minutes each day. I did sew a couple days for 60 minutes so it average out to 30 minutes per day. I am pleased that I sewed everyday. Thank you for the motivation.
I got my time in too. I'm finding that if I add it to my to do list and make it a priority I can get my time in over the course of the day. Sometimes it's only 5 or 10 at a time, but I manage at least the minimum each day. Thanks for hosting this event and being so encouraging. I love how much I've accomplished just this week with this perspective.
I absolutely see no problem with more than one project on the design wall and they are both great.
I did it! This is helpful to me because sometimes I get stuck and don't sew for a week or more, something I can't afford to do right now. It usually happens when I'm nervous about the next step and afraid it won't turn out or it will be difficult. Hopefully sewing every day will keep me moving and unstuck.
I did it too! In fact, I was able to do more than 30 minutes every day but Monday. My focus was a scrappy bow tie project which I hope to make real progress on this month. Thanks for the encouragement.
I did 30 mins on some days, much more than that on a few days, and a few days of none at all....on days of no sewing I usually get in some fabric cutting.
I did it - although it's not unusual for me to sew every day! I was intentional about it, though, and tried to se a little bit for fun every day. Love your star blocks!!
Pretty stars..I like the dark backgrounds best too! I sewed every day, most days for more than 30 mins. Got a lot accomplished but gosh, I make a mess! :)
Well, the first three days were easy: I had quilt bindings and hanging sleeves and labels to finish for the guild quilt show. The next day was my day off. Sometimes ya just gotta sit and cheer. The next day I cut and laid out a block and that took the half hour. If I have to count using a needle, it doesn't count, but I have to do this step first. The next two days, 30 min sounded like pressure instead of pleasure, so I chose not to. The jury is out on whether I'll sew yet tonight. The one thing the challenge accomplished for me was getting a new project out after finishing old ones--something that I often stall on.
I did lots of sewing this week. Finished piecing a tablerunner, and..... embroidered/quilted it on my sewing machine. Machine stitched the binding on today and plan on doing the handwork part soon . Missed one day, but totally made up the time. Love this challenge. T*H*A*N*K*S
I did not meet this goal this week. But I spent a lot of time thinking about what the obstacles were. I really do want to claim time to quilt. I think i just need to do something and not worry about making the perfect choice, I did find the time today. And I am optimistic about meeting the goal for the rest of the week. One day at a time.
Even with missing a day (errands all day long) I have almost enough hours spent in the sewing room, to count for the whole month. I've been BUSY stitching. Hopefully, by the end of today (if I get off the computer) I'll have hand work for the end of the month, when I'm traveling. I have so much to do, and never enough time, no matter how much time I spend in the sewing room. I even did hand stitching while watching DWTS last night, and will do it again tonight (NCIS night).
I missed a couple of days due to a blistering migraine. But I still feel that I established much more of a routine, and one thing I have already learned is that if I have some hand-work ready, I can easily get to work on projects I've been meaning to get to. That's so simple! And it feels so satisfying. Thank you!
I love your quilt--what a great reminder of how wonderful purple is.
I love sewing but haven't sewn since finishing a project in February. What's wrong with me? But inspired by this challenge I set everything else aside on Monday and managed 2 hours. Not a great amount of time but it's a start.
This is a great challenge for me, I have baby quilts for 7 babies to finish and/or design and make, the 6th of those babies is due Friday. Eek! I managed to piece a quilt top this week (finished the blocks last week) and got it quilted on the longarm yesterday afternoon. I've started the hand work on the binding, I'm going on a trip this weekend and will be bringing it with me for working on in my spare time.
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