Nope...I'm not moving (can you hear my big sigh of relief?).
But, one of our daughters is. You remember the one that just graduated?
She sold her house and we are transferring her furniture and stuff to a large,
semi-finished room in the lower level of our home. She has to be completely out
by this Thursday (26th). Meee ol' body is gettin' a beeet of a workout...
well, not exactly a work out...if you're thinkin' "BIGGEST LOSER" type workout!
She leaves this coming Sunday evening for an internship in...

Yep...you got it! ...New York. She will be gone until
the end of July. So, her two boys...
...the two "Munchkins"...
...will be staying, kinda back and forth with
my husband and me...and with their paternal grandparents.
Also, this coming weekend we have two of our
teenage grandchildren coming to stay with us for about 10 days.
I hope to get a leeetle bit of sewing in...here and there
and a bit of blogging too. But, I'd better not hold my breath!
Howz your summer plans coming? Are you going to do stuff with family?
or any fun vacations planned?
WOW a full house! Make sure you get yourself some time - enjoy family.
Hope you have a grand time!
Summer was planned, then unplanned due to significant changes in my husband's work. We'll see where that ends up.
Sounds like you will be very busy real soon!!! I will be enjoying a week with my DD#1 and her family the middle of next month. Enjoy the grands - I wish ours lived close enough to visit more often.
Well, this is news I hadn't heard. You WILL be busy. I'll have to call you with all of the questions spinning around in my head :)
I had plans to relax and get stuff done this summer, but, I started 2 jobs on Monday. Now I'm trying to learn 2 different computer systems, and all the stuff that goes with new jobs. There goes my plans.
You are going to have a houseful! Enjoy it!
I'll be home alot now. We tend to do the fun stuff in the spring and fall when all the vacationers are not around!
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