I HAD planned to take 2 days driving to Gig Harbor, Washington.
...staying overnight in Pendleton, Oregon on the way.
5 hours into the drive...I'm feeling really good.. The
grandboys are really happy with their electronic
entertainment and the TON of snacks in the car..were making
us ALL happy...chocolate, some chips...deli meats, fruits
and cold drinks.
( a tea bag in my orange juice was helping my energy levels)
Seven more hours...
couldn't be all that bad, could it? I would be
the hotel cost, at least 2 meals, and all the trouble of
unloading/loading from car to hotel room and back again.
Should I? yes....?...maybe?
I can't make split second decisions.
After another hour of drive, I decided...
- SEVEN more hours, I could do it!
I drove this...parts of eastern Oregon.

THEN...to this....below

Highway thru the forests of Washington, northwest of Yakima
(note: these are not my actual pic...but views are the same)
It was ALL going SO good.
Then, came a leeeetle "glitch in my giddddy-yup"!
I was driving the 2 lane (one way) highway of 92
somewhere north of Ellensburg.
When, all of a sudden I was seeing a bunch of
red tail lights up ahead...
and, all of a sudden...I was sitting in something that
looked like this!
This view didn't change for almost
2 hours...stop/go with MOSTLY stop!
Basically, a 12 hour drive turned into 14.
Even more yukky...
It was going to be dark for the last
hour of my drive into Gig Harbor/Raft Island.
Dark + unknown paths = STRESS. (in my opinion)
Yucky...changed to Lucky.
Our son was home watching his three little girls (1, 6, 9)...
while his wife was working.
O....k.......you say...what the heck does all THIS
have to do with ANYthing? Yeah...I'm pretty good at
making a short story......long.
Lucky meeee, a really nice son...
loaded his three leeetle girls (meee grandgirls) into his car
(at 9pm), and drove an hour to meet me and grandboys,
So, that I could follow him back to his home...
Lucky? I'm thinkin' so.
I AM feeling tired. But, feeling MORE lucky!
There were no mishaps...except a bit of traffic.
The grandboys were extremely well behaved.
And...there was a wonderful guy who went out of his way...
to make sure that I didn't get lost in the
dark getting to Raft Island...

It is so pretty here!
...the tall-TALL trees...the beautiful waters...
and the sound of cousins laughing, playing.......
having a GREAT TIME!
more travel "log" tomo...I hope I'm not boring you to...
Glad to hear you made it safely, albeit with a really good story to tell!! Can't wait to see more pics of that pretty place!
So glad your all safe and happy.And Thanks for taking us on the Adventure with you. Can't wait to hear and see more.
So now you can stop worrying and have fun. Enjoy having all those cousins together - they are the most wonderful memories!
Yaaaa you got there OK then. I don't like driving in the dark either.. particularly when it's unknown territory. Have fun!
I love that part of the country. It is so beautiful out there!!!! Send more pictures.
Great story, except for the yukky bits:) Love the look of the country. The water view at the end looks so peaceful.
My stress levels go through the roof when I drive in traffic. What a gorgeous destination, though!
LOL, now I do see you are there now. Absolutely beautiful!
Thank goodness for mobile (cell?) phones eh? And for lovely sons! Glad you made it ok, look forward to more photos!
beautiful pictures! Have a great time with your family
So glad you made it safely. Your trip sounds similar to when we go visit our daughter in NM. 13 hours on the road but just can't see dividing it along the way. Enjoy your family!!!!
After a long drive,the visiting and beautiful scenery is always so worth it! Enjoy :)
Washington State is beautiful. Of course I am a little prejudiced since it is my home state. All that rain makes everything so green and lush.
Glad you made it. And the pictures are beautiful. Have a safe trip back.
What's a little venture without a little ADventure thrown in? Sounds like you are a lucky lady indeed! Glad you are there safe & no less sound! Thanks for sharing the lovely pics!!! Here's hoping it just gets better 'n better!
Thanks for the "postcards". What a beautiful place. Good to hear you had a safe trip. Enjoy your visit:)
It was well worth the drive after all! Gorgeous scenery!
When we moved years ago, our 12 hour drive turned into 15 hours plus. Then it rained! One sick kid, 2 wet dogs, a trailer full of wet items (the tarp had shredded about 100 miles before the rain). No supper for me. Boy was I tired. My hubby only met me 1/2 mile from the new house, since I didn't even know where it was. Glad you are having a happy ending.
Not boring me at all. I was smiling the whole time I read this post because I could just hear your voice telling me all this. :) Have a great time. I know you love it there in the Pacific Northwest.
Lovely pics you've posted and Oregon looks similar to one of the areas I've lived in NSW Australia.
Glad to hear your long drive had a happy ending and what an accomodating and loving Son to come and 'fetch' you so you wouldn't become lost :)!
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