In many me, color is a MYSTERY.
Why do we tend to favor certain colors? Why do certain colors
affect or thinking, our moods...even our level of creativity?
Why are some colors more pleasing to look at together than
other colors are when put together?
"The first color wheel has been attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, who in 1706 arranged red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet into a natural progression on a rotating disk. As the disk spins, the colors blur together so rapidly that the human eye sees white"
You can find a lot more about the history of the color wheel click HERE

This is an early 18th century depiction of the color wheel
"Two color circles are included as illustrations in the 1708 edition of Traité de la peinture en mignature, an artist's manual attributed to "C.B." (often assumed to be Claude Boutet, or the publisher, Christophe Ballard). "
There is a WHOLE world of Psychology...just in the realm of HERE if you are interested in reading a very in depth
article about colors and how they affect us. You will also find a
chart where you can choose your favorite color...and, then, go see
the results of what others have chosen.
Please, leave a comment answering the THREE questions below:
(1) what is your favorite color
(2) what color you hate strongly dislike
(3) Where do you get your color ideas for your quilts
*must be a follower to win
Contest ends (next Saturday Nov 12th midnight mt

Let's clap our HANDS together for last week's
Debra in Indiana
Oh, I love blue but dislike yellow for some reason. But I do like blue and yellow together.
1 - I would have to go with BLUE!!
2 - Purple and pink - but mainly because I am using each color for a quilt for each daughter and I am a bit sick of them
3 - I pick what I like. Unless it is a quilt for someone else and I use their the purple and pink quilts.
My favourite colour is aqua.
The only colour I don't like is orange, I'm not sure why, I never have, I find it hard to put in my quilts as my eye gets instantly drawn to it.
My colour ideas come from pure luck. I sit for ages with fabrics, swapping some in, some out, adding a few more taking some away. When it's right you just know.
1- Maroon
2- Pea green. Just that color of green because growing up as a girl I was stuck in a room with that color wall paper and carpet, and I hated it.. I wanted girly color.
3 - I get my ideas from blog browsing.. things tend to make me fall in luv (love lust).. I don't think I can like a color combo and then I see it, and boom!!
I guess my all time favorite color is blue. And although I wear a lot of black and/or red, I don't need them in a quilt. My house is all done in soft colors, and I think the greatest inspiration for color is nature! Blue and tans for the beach, greens for the forests, and the multiple shades of water.
My favorite color is red.
I find it hard to like many of the "earth tones" - browns, greens, oranges. Don't know why - I'm trying to incorporate them in my quilts more and more, but absolutely avoid them in my wardrobe.
My color choices just seem to evolve from what fabric I have on hand. Not much money lately to go on shopping spreeds, so charity quilts is about all I make with the scraps and fabrics I've won from giveaways. So it's just a "go with the flow" fabric color idea I have.
My favorite color is Pink, although I don't make a lot of pink quilts.
I dislike Orange - too bold and brassen for me, but I have used it in Fall quilts.
I get most of my inspiration from quilt samples at LQS and magazines. It's really hard for me to choose colors, so I need visual inspiration.
I love peach. I like most colors, it is the combination of some that leaves something wanting. Earth tones are too subdued for me. There is something inspiring in reds/pinks against whites. Maybe it's the shock value. When I stitch it is with someone in mind and they usually have a preference.
I love blue the most (as my stash will tell) and really have trouble with orange. Most of my inspiration comes from nature - skies, earth, floral and fauna.
I love yellow. It brings to mind sunshine. I avoid purples. I don't know just seems kind of melancholy to me. I usually choose my colors with a project in mind. That said if I'm going to to an out of the blue splurge, I go with Christmas fabrics.
1. I LOVE green.
2. I can't think of any color I don't like. I'm not a fan of yellow stains.
3. I try to get my color ideas from the many blogs that I follow.
I am a follower. Thanks again, for yet anoter giveaway!
1. I love purple
2. Brown and orange together are kind of muddy looking.
3. I buy fabric I like together either at LQS, ebay, etsy or on-line retailers. It is usally several fabrics in a line. Then I figure out what pattern I want to use and what additional fabrics I need.
1. My favorite color is blue.
2. I really dislike orange, unless it is in a pumpkin.
3. Inspiration comes from everywhere. Just saw a row of placemats in a store, and thought,"what a great quilt those colors would make!"
my favorite color is redpinkorangeyellow. or red, i guess, if i have to narrow it down. i least like beige. though i often see other quilter's work with beigeish linen that i really like. i find inspiration for color everywhere! sometimes it's due to a favorite fabric that starts a piece, or an outfit someone wears to work, a book cover, or even a concerted effort to try to use a color i'm not normally drawn to. since quilting - i notice color much more than before, and i think the world's a little prettier because of it. :-)
1. My favorite color is purple =D
2. I'm not a huge fan of bright red. I like darker reds sometimes.
3. I think I pick according to how I want to quilt to "feel" - happy, sad, bright, etc. For baby quilts I tend to go more colorful, but I've found that a white background adds something really fresh to a layout.
Congratulations Debra!
My favorite color changes all the time. Right now it's a toss up between Aqua and Pink.
I'd say my least favorite is that green in the Crayola crayon 8 pack.
I've never used a color wheel, I just chose what looks right to me.
I love green and dislike yellow - or at least bright yellow!
I get a lot of colour ideas online - from blogs, but mostly I go with what I like!!
I have to pick one color? Drat...let's see. I have the most of blue (everything from pastel to bright aqua to dark navy) and orange. Those are my husband's and my favorite color combination to decorate with - a love inspired by (for him) many (one for me) trips to the place this picture (not mine) was taken -
Hated color is yellow green. I love a good blueish green (like the grass green colorway of the Moda Marble Swirls) but HATE yellow green. And pastels.
For my quilts, I love color, so color it is. If it's a baby quilt I usually try to go with rainbow-ish within their gender color scheme or parent's decorating scheme. For one quilt I was inspired by flying over fields. For another it was fall colors. It's really just whatever I notice. Lots of travel inspiration though!
I love red/burgundy. I can't say there is any colour I really dislike. I get my colours ideas from when I go to the patchwork shop and look around.
My favorite color is shades of purple.
I don't care for brown colors.
I'm inspired by the rainbow and like to use all those colors in my quilts.
Blue is my favorite, but red confounds me.
Blue is my favorite; I don't like orange (except for pumpkins). I get my ideas from books, blogs, and the LQS. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love coral, but tend to buy a lot of green.
I don't care for blue (I wanted a green bedroom when I was a kid and my mom-who love blue- painted my room robin egg blue. She said it has some green in it.
I usually am inspired by either fabric or quilts. I have a terrible time choosing my own color combos.
My favorite Color is Blue.
My least favorite color is Orange. I don't thing I even own any stash of orange. Hmm, that's kinda sad don't you thing? I'm going to have to change that, huh!
My inspiration comes greatly from other quilters. I'm fairly new at quilting so What I see from experienced quilters inspirers me to make something out of what I have or fabric I fall in love with. Someday I hope to inspire others :)
My favorite color is blue. I'm not a big fan of green, and have to force myself to include some green or buy green. Probably because I was in the Army for 8 years and wore green everyday! I get my inspiration from a piece of fabric - I buy the inspiration fabric and then pull from my stash to make a quilt. I don't like when the fabric is too matchy-matchy.
I am a follower. My favorite color is green - all shades! My least favorite color is black - too depressing. I usually like BRIGHT colors but blogging on the web has opened new possibilites for me. I fell in love with a pastel yellow & blue quilt once & had to make one. Recently I've been hearting the pink & green quilts that I see. Sooooo..........
1. My favourite colour is blue.
2. I don't like orange.
3. I tend to note interesting colour combinations as I go about my daily life.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I love blue and strongly dislike pink. And when selecting colors for future quilt projects, I find inspiration on flickr and other things around me during the day.
My very favorite color is probably teal - any shade of it, but I love all the oceany colors - blue, green, purple, and of course, teal. I really don't care for red or any variation, to include yellow & orange, and even brown. Never knew why - just don't. Shy away from anything with any of those colors in it!
I usually find one fabric that I just can't live without, then work all the coordinating colors around that one. If I'm doing a wall hanging, I just try to make it realistic.
My favorite color is for sure red! I am not really fond of the color grey. I get my ideas from magazines and other blogs that I follow/look at. Thanks for the giveaway! Dawn ~
1. My favorite color is purple. Red is a close second
2. My least favorite color is probably yellow. I don't really dislike it, but it's not a color I would choose in my top five.
3. A lot of my color inspiration for the quilts I've made have been from the pattern. In some cases, I may see a bolt on the shelf of something that's visually awesome and go from there.
I love the psychology of color. Purple...Royalty, wealth, wisdom, spirituality... wow. Not sure about the royalty part, but I'd like to achieve a comfort level with the others.
Congrats Debra! My favorite color...I always tell my kids that I don't have a favorite, I like all the colors. I think that's really true I just love them--If I have a favorite thing it's elegantly striking color combinations--Very light against very dark. My least favorite color--light brown maybe. But even it could have a place in the right place. My color choices for quilts come from seeing the fabric together and from looking at what others have done.
My favourite colour is red, with yellow in a close second place. I don't really dislike any colours but I can't ever envision myself making a brown quilt....just not vibrant enough for me. Having said that I have seen some brown/beige quilts that are lovely. I get most of my inspiration from playing with fabric scraps. So much fun.
1-My favorite color is blue.
2-I dislike browns.
3-I get my color ideas from fabric prints and from bloggers quilts online.
1. My favourite colour is purple
2. I am not a big fan of dirty dingy colours - there isnt one colour I REALLY dislike though I dont oftne go near browns
3. Depends largely on the project - if I am doing a quilt of 'real things" I like to use a realistic colour. Otherwise I just pick fabrics that go with each other, based on one or two favourites for that project.
Thanks for the chance to win!
please check your email for your swap partners information, and then let me know you received it. Thanks.
1. My favourite colour is all the shades of pink.
2. I don't dislike any colour
3. I find some fabric I like and then build the colours up around them.
Thakyou for hosting this swap and giving me a chamc to win.
1. My favorit color has always been green!
2. My least favorite color is yellow.
3. I get my color ideas for my quilts from pattern suggestions or by what I have available in my stash or sometimes it's 'who knows?' - lol.
Hi there, here's my answers
(1) My favourite colour is purple
(2) There is no colour that I strongly dislike
(3) As embarassing as it may seem, I've only made a couple of quilts, and the first ones' colour was chosen by the person it was for (she supplied the focal fabric and I just had to add black into the mix!) and any others are usually made using the persons favourite colour.
I follow your blog.
I shall be reading up about colour now, so thank you for sharing all the info on it, which I've put up on my Pinterest.
Any form of blue-green is my favorite color! Cyan, turquoise, etc!
Oops, sorry for second message...
somehow it posted on my automatically...
2) I'm not a huge fan of red... At least in clothing... Some people make red look awesome in quilts, though!
3)I kind of wing it when it comes to color ideas in quilts. Plus, I read lots of blogs and pay close attention to other peoples ideas with colors. New lines of fabric too also can be an inspiration.
Thank you for sharing the history of the color wheel with us. I never knew or even thought to look... very interesting. :)
I'm totally a follower!
My favorite color is either blue or green for quilts. Probably green.
My least favorite is pink. Don't like it one bit.
Choosing colors for my quilts? I make scrap quilts so EVERYTHING GOES! I even use pink, but only in small pieces and small doses. The only pinks I can stand are rasberry pinks like in civil war colors.
Blessings to you!
I have two favorites. Marigold Yellow and Burnt Orange! My least favorite is blue. I get alot of my inspirations form blogs!
My current favorite color is aqua.
My least favorite? Hmmm, not to hot on browns I guess.
I get my color ideas for my quilts....from my stash!
I'm a follower - thanks for the chance to win!
My favourite colour is blue and I'm not a huge fan of pink.
I gather colour ideas from looking at others finished quilts. Some colours that I would never have thought would look good together just need the right pattern/setting :).
I'm a follower.
Favorite color Blues
Least Favorite color Pinks
Color ideas come from bloggers' photos, magazines, catalogs, and mainly from nature. There is no wrong combination of color if put together as nature's palette. I am a follower. Thanks for the Mystery Monday.
Blues are my favorite colors. I'm just drawn to anything with blue in it.
Orange and bright colors with the orange brownish tint are my least favorite.
Anymore I get ideas from everywhere. I was in a meeting not too long ago and I started figuring out the blocks in the carpet. Love blogs for seeing what colors everyone is putting together and making them work.
My favourite colour is blue. I'm not much of a fan of pink, especially for home decor. I get my colour inspiration from everything around me and just go with what I like.
Love the color purple! Not sure i hate any color but not fond of brownish greens. Don't always have a set way of picking colors...try to go with someone's favorite if i know it, often pick a fabric and try to match the colors in it
I love purple! I dislike yellow but use it sparingly here and there. I read blogs, magazines, newsletters, etc. and take note when color combinations catch my eye. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love greens ...
Orange is not on my list of colors I pick ...
Color inspiration usually comes from what I'm trying to create & what fabrics have called my name. Usually it is pretty lively & upbeat.
thanks for the chance!
I love pinks. I love turquoise too. The color I like the least is purple and I hardly ever use it. Color inspiration for me comes from the pictures I see or fabrics I see grouped together. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I love orange, but green was my favorite color for the first 35 years or so of my life. A color that doesn't really inspire me is blue. It seems so ordinary to me. I love my blue jeans and blue skies and blue oceans, but otherwise, I could do without it. I get my inspiration from the fabric itself. I'm a scrap quilter, so I put some pretty unlikely stuff together, but I like the look.
Red is my favorite; pink is my least favorite; and I choose my colors based on nature. My initial pick for colors are earthy tones with red, yellow and purple for sparkle. :)
I love most colours and my favorite would be blue any tone any hue. I think I least favour orange. I get inspiration from the internet, books, nature... you name it! Thanks!
My favorite colors are green and yellow. We just painted our main floor in butter yellow and it is so sunshiney!
I can't think of a color that I strongly dislike... is that strange?
I get most of my quilt ideas from quilt blogs and pinterest! I get inspired by other people's creativity!
I LOVE RED!!!! I strongly dislike grey. I get my color ideas for quilts from everywhere.
I like warm pinky colours and I am not happy with bright yellow and bright orange. My ideas come from around me or just a piece of material that I like the look of.
i love black. i can put black with anything and it will look good. my lease favorite is red. i seam to have problems putting red into my work.
My favorite color is green. I'm not particularly fond of blue, but I sure have a lot of blue fabric! I get most of my inspiration from nature.
My favorite color is some form of green or coral. I really am not a fan of cream/ivory at all. I get most of my inspiration -- well, let's just say I turned 50 last week and the moods are all over the place -- so what I like today could very well change tomorrow!
I really like the colour blue. Mustard yellow is a colour I am not that keen on and I look over the net at different quilts to get inspiration
I love RED, strongly Dislike ORANGE and find inspiration all around me..books, nature, the net, fashion...
I am a follower by e-mail and i would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
My favorite color is red. My least favorite is purple. I don't quilt, but I might one day try it. If I win, I would donate the fabric to one of the quilters in my group, World of Charity Stitching, where we make quilts for seniors and children.
I'm loving pale grey and not loving purple so much..My inspiration comes from lots of clever people in blog land.Enjoy following you..xx
I love violets and teals and would have a hard time figuring out if I liked one better than the other. I do not like orange (probably because orange flowers make me sneeze) but do like to use orange with certain other colors. My color inspiration comes from dreams, a fabric I've seen, or just serendipity.
Lovely giveaway.
I like so many colors it is hard, but my favorite is a light creamy yellow.
I am not a bright red person - so I guess my most disliked color is bright red.
I get my idea's from seeing other quilts. I need help in putting color together. LOL
My favorite color is medium browns (like good chocolate). I used to really dislike orange, until I married a Clemson fan :) And lastly, I get my color ideas from nature! Mother Nature has an awesome color wheel!
My favorite color is red. What is my least favorite - It depends on what the color is for - I dislike wearing orange - But I love it in Quilts ...
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