No...I didn't mean for Christmas... I mean for today's
~ okee doke...lettuce geet started ~
So many times, it's a mystery to me how these wonderful
ladies come up with such cute quilty/crafty/FUN
I was in one of my local quilt stores and found
this A-dorable leeeetle Elf pattern!
Isn't this soooo cute! I went to the website on the back of
the pattern and saw LOTS of cute patterns! ...for many
different seasons. They are all created by
Rosalie Ashby.
I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway of her
pattern and maybe see if I could find out a bit about her too!
~ Here are some fun things about Rosalie ~
Question: When did you first learn to sew? quilt?
~~~My mother has always been a seamstress and made me clothes and dresses growing up. I had never had a store bought dress until I bought one myself after I graduated from college and had a job. She is not a quilter though. But her mother (my grandma) was quite a quilter. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting under quilts my grandma had up on frames hand quilting them while she watched "Family Feud" and "All My Children". So I have always been around "sewing" projects growing up. My mom taught me some and I took a sewing class in High School. My grandma died when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade so unfortunately I didn't have the privilege of learning any quilting from her. But she did leave a quilt or unfinished quilt top for each of her grandchildren. My first experience with quilting was trying to finish the quilt top I had inherited from her.
Probably about ten years ago one of my mother's friends helped me and taught me the basics of quilting to finish it. I did get it all pieced together, yet, it sits in a storage bin waiting to be quilted. :) Other than that, pretty much all of my quilting knowledge has been self taught through trial and error. I have always had an infatuation with fabric. I go in quilt stores and rack my brain with ideas of what I could do with fabric.
Question: What inspired you to create your first pattern to sell?
I actually started by selling embroidery patterns. I guess you could say it was out of necessity. When the economy went south so did my husband's job. I felt like I needed to do something to help and through divine inspiration the thought came to me to use my talents. I have always loved fabric and would see quilts and wonder how on earth people pieced those things together. I bought a couple of simple little quilting patterns and made them and decided I wanted to figure out how I could get my own ideas made into fabric. So with a lot of doodleing and lots of old scrap fabric and lots of mistakes and redos my quilting patterns were born.
Question: How do you go about printing the pattern and getting it ready for retail?
Well, I have an idea come to me. I sketch it out to see what I come up with. Then I get a really large piece of paper and draw the whole thing out (just like it will be with fabric) and that is how I figure out the dimensions and sizes of the fabric pieces.. Then following my drawing I make it out of fabric trying to write my instructions as I go along. Then I usually end up making it again following my written instructions to make sure it is right.
Rosalie's sewing room
Question: What other things do you like to do?
I like to scrapbook (which usually I only get around to doing once a year or so, I am quite behind). I love to find good deals at stores and coupon shop (this I inherited from my mother). I like to take my kids for walks in the summer and spend time with my family. I just like to be crafty and create things.
Another one of Rosalie's cute patterns!
Countdown To Christmas
You can check out Rosalie's other patterns
by going to her blog...and do a bit of scrolling down
to find them all.
Rosalie and her darling family...
I thank her for taking the time to answer questions
for this blog post!
~~ ~~ ~~
So for today's entry to
5 Fat Quarters
One of Rosalie's Patterns
Leave one comment here on my blog telling me
two things -
1) that you visited Rosalie's blog ...and,
2) which of Rosalie's pattern you would like to win
*game closed Sat, Dec 17, midnight MT
**must be follower to win
*game closed Sat, Dec 17, midnight MT
**must be follower to win
December 5th
WINNER is....
in Yukon Territory, Canada
I checked out her blog and I love the Country Christmas Table Top Quilt pattern
I checked out Rosalie's blog and love the "All Hearts Come Home for Christmas". With so many lovely patterns to chose from, it was a hard choice.
I checked out Rosalie's blog and saw all kinds of fun projects. I really like her Christmas countdown pillow because you can slide beads to mark the days. I know some little ones that would enjoy sliding beads each day.
I left a message on her blog. My favorite is Snowy Day Table topper. Her designs are really cute! Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!
What fun minis, thank you for the new site info. I love the Snowy Day Table Topper - how cute! Merry Christmas Annie!!
I visited Rosalie's blog and I think the Elf is still my favorite, although the Frankenstein wall hanging is a close favorite!
Wow, Rosalie has a lot of great patterns shown on her blog. I LOVE the Elf, and also the summer picnic table topper, the snowy day table topper, and the halloween table topper. So cute!
This is my fave pattern.
I visited Rosalie's blog and I like the elf pattern best. Thanks for the giveaway.
I checked out her blog and would probably like to win either the elf or Uncle Sam
Yay, Janet! (I follow her blog, too.). I visited Ashby's attic, and I like the Scrappy Scarecrow!
I enjoyed visiting Rosalie's blog. The Frank N. Stein pattern is the one that I liked best. Fun!
I am a follower of yours, and I visited Ashby's attic. I like the countdown to christmas pillow. All of her things are cute. Congrats to Janet.
I visited Rosalie's blog and just loved the snowmen in the Snowy Day Table Top Quilt pattern. :)
You are so right, there were so many cute one on her website. But really Mr. Frank N. Stein really caught my eye :)
Visited Rosalie's blog and had a difficult time choosing but I think The Farmer's Friend Table Top Quilt appropriate as the crows here steal the oranges out of the trees. I really love the colouring in it too :)!
How sweet! I visited her blog...and that little Christmas tree, Countdown to Christmas, is adorable!
Love the family picture too!
I visited her blog and especially love the Snowy Day Table Top Quilt. I've never seen sleds on anything quilted and think they are so cute. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to her blog and love the Summer Picnic Table Top quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!
I visited Rosalie's blog and my favorite pattern is Scrappy Scarecrow Autumn Hanging. So cute! Thanks for the opportunity to enter another fun Mystery Monday!
I follow your blog and I visited Rosalie's blog and love her Snowy Day table top quilt! What a talented girl!
Darling giveaway. I am looking at her blog right now...well, I am typing this but have been looking at her blog.
So far the favorite is:
Snowy Day Table Top
I am a follower & I visited Rosalee's blog. I would love to win the Hugs & Kisses pattern. Thanks for the chance.
The elf is super cute.... but the pattern I would pick is spring fever. Thanks for a chance to win.
Checked it out and the Uncle Sam Table Runner is my favorite! Great blog and giveaway! Thanks!
mugirl113 at gmail dot com
I visited Rosalie's blog and I absolutely love all of the pumpkin and snowman patterns. If I had to pick one, it would be the snow buddies pillow pattern. Curlyoz19(at)gmail(dot)com
I visited Rosalie's blog and checked out her patterns! My favourite is 'Santa's Little Helper' aka 'Elf'
I visited Rosalie's blog and my favorite pattern is Snow Day Table Top Quilt, it is so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
I visited Rosalie's blog and especially loved all of the Christmas or winter pillows. Thank you.
skowens (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
I visited the blog and I like the Wintery Day table topper...I'm partial to snowmen!
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
I visited the blog and I my fav pattern is Hugs, Kisses, & Valentine Wishes Table Top Quilt. But I would use it as a Little Quilt of Love (to donate to a childrens hospital)
'Fijne feestdagen' as we say in Dutch :-)
Oh, look at the number of comments! You are getting famouser and famouser. Someday I'll be able to say "I knew that RubySlipperz when she was not as famouserest as she is now!"
I did visit her blog. It is a quiet blog but I do love that pillow.
Have a SWEEEET Christmas!
I visited Rosie's blog!
My favorite pattern on Rosie's blog is the Frankenstein!
I visited Rosalie's blog, and I follow you! My favorite would be the Countdown to Christmas...very clever!
I visited the blog! Wow....I wish I'd seen it sooner. I love work!! I really found it difficult to choose a favorite. I'll say the little elf that you featured because it's Christmas time.
I visited the blog and loved the Mr. Frank N. Stein pattern - very cute!!
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