OH YEAH!!...these ARE words to MEEE-self!!
I need to cut the CRAP and cut my scraps. In other words,
I need to stop procrastinating! Yep the mound is TALL.
And, its WAY overwhelming. But, now I have some tools
that just might make it more inviting, more motivating. I
might be able to get

passed the rhino in the road.
Here's the reason for the excitement...the reason
that my heart's all AGLOW!!
I've been wanting this book for quite sometime.
I went to JoAnn's Monday with my 50% off coupons
burning a whole in my pocket. While strolling
by the quilt book section...to my DEElight, there was
theeee book...calling my name!
I've been reading it. The 7 steps she writes about
are very easy and logical to follow. She give reasons
AND directions that make sense. Her patterns are
well written and well illustrated
There are some great projects to use all of
those wonderful scraps...
....and... #2...
There's someone that want's to play with scraps too!!
YEP...it's Sarah over at
She's going to do a "Cut The Scraps" challenge...
I know there are lots of fun challenges out there...
but..this one is EASY!! AND there are prizes, one of which
is this WUNNYFULL book that I've been blabbing about above.
this EZ challenge and the great prizes!
YOUR thoughts?
...wouldn't it be a good feeling to get the SCRAPS
whipped into SHAPE?
Maybe you already have them all organized?
If you do...I'd LUV to hear how YOU do it =)
I finally have started trying to get my fabric and fabric scraps in some type of order. So, I cut strips in 5,4,3,2.5,2.1.5 and 1 inch what ever fit the fabric and cut 4 and 5 inch squares. each has a container of its own to help with organization. I am using plastic bags labeled with each size. Hope this is helpful.
I've given up trying to create order out of chaos!!!! It's a challenge trying to find that elusive "just right" piece in my sewing room!!!
I love the "Cut the Scraps" book! It's a wonderful idea.
oh I totally missed Sarah's post, but I see yours so I'm not left in the dark. I'm putting my thinking cap on now....
What a great idea. I can't wait to see all of the fun blocks.
Oh man, since I took up sewing a few years ago, my scrap pile has just been growing and growing and growing! I keep saying I'm going to use them but this mountain isn't getting any smaller!! Thanks for the tip on the challenge and the book review.
Thanks for the shout-out, Annie!!
Now that is a book I've not seen. :-) LOL Sounds like you have a good plan! Have a good time in your scraps!
Alright Annie! I have seen this book around - but I have my plan. I love Sarah's idea and I am thrilled to see bloggers getting the word out. How fun to get some help in learning to tame the scraps, making ONE block is so easy, and 'bonus' a give away.
I just got "String Quilt Revival". This has some great ways to use scraps.
Nope I don't have them organized over here. This would be a great win.
Good for you...I'll admit...not wanting to hop on board for cutting scraps...but you go girl! =)
I cut my scraps up as soon as I'm done with a project. I cut everything that's left into five inch squares, 2-1/2 inch squares or strips. It makes life so much easier! :0)
I on the computer procrastinating doing anything...maybe I need to cut some too..
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