Binding...binding...whose got a
I've been doing the same style of binding for most of my 36 years
of quilting. Can you spell...R-U-T? or...maybe it's just spelled
L-A-Z-Y ?
I cut my binding on the straight of grain 3.5 wide. I fold in half and
sew the raw edges onto the right side of the quilt.
I sew the binding onto the quilt with a generous half inch seam. Why such
a big seam? I think it's fun for the bindings to be a bit puffy...sort of a
"faux" piping...look.
I try to avoid the work of creating a

... mitered the corner.
(This pic is someone else's. Mine don't look this good)
(This pic is someone else's. Mine don't look this good)
My binding is hand stitched to the back of the quilt with a hidden
running stitch. I hope you weren't expecting a tutorial today. =( I
sincerely apologize if you were. I have another direction I'd like to go
this Monday...Would you be willing to help me solve a
sincerely apologize if you were. I have another direction I'd like to go
this Monday...Would you be willing to help me solve a
MYSTERY? Yes? O!...kay cool!
If you would be sooo-sew kind as to help me with the following
questions, I promise to enter YOUR name in the drawing to
questions, I promise to enter YOUR name in the drawing to
5 FAT QUARTERS (of your choice of colors)
1) How do YOU do your bindings?
2) Do you have several different ways? Maybe different
ways for situations...different quilts?
3) If you do the binding ALL by machine, how do
you get good results - where the stitching shows?
~~ entries close Saturday March 19th midnight MT~~
(must be a follower to win*)
Last Week's Mystery Monday Winner ....
lives in the Northern part of California.
Visit her in blogland HERE
I love binding!
I cut my strips at 2.25 inches,fold them in half and machine them to the right side of the quilt, then I sew down the folded edge to the back of the quilt by hand
Any help??
I machine quilt the binding to the front and then hand sew it down on the back. I hope that makes sense!
I don't like binding...but there are two videos I found and combining them work wonders for me! I just finished a quilt, and where the stitching showed, it was near perfect....shocker!!!
My binding is similar of you,so no new direction.
I cut my strips 6 cm,fold them in half,iron and machine them to the front of the quilt,turn and handstitching in the back.
i do mine just like you do . sorry
I cut my strips of 2,5" iron in half, sew them by machine to the front of the quilt, fold it to the back and hand stitch it with a mitered corner.
I do mine just like Francis Paul above does.
I cut binding strips 2-2.5 inches wide; sewn together with a diangonal cuts. I generally do the fold in half, raw edge sewn to front with a 3/8ths seam, hand sewn with mitered corners on the back; but have recently done a french fold binding attached with 1/4" seam for a small wall hanging. I tried machine binding once and it wasn't pretty.
I have been quilting for 8 months. I was taught to cut binding strips at 2.25" inches, use a 1/4" seam and hand sew the back. I love batiks and have a hard time hand-sewing on batiks so I machine sew those but I make the binding and the backing out of the same fabric so the stitching is not noticeable. I have tried on three occasions to machine sew the binding (after watching wayyyyy too many videos) but I just can't seem to make it look up to my standards. Red Pepper Quilts does an amazing job on her machine bindings. I honestly don't mind the hand-work because I can do it quietly while my husband and I watch tv. I usually save a project just for this purpose.
I'm afraid I don't like the results of machine binding, so I do like Gill Said in the first comment. Pretty basic. Although I have just about (finally) mastered the mitered corners. I practices a lot on Mug Rugs!
Oh - forgot to mention, there is a neat way to do a double binding that has a piping type insert. It's on my 'list' to do one day.
I cut my binding 2.5 inches and sew to the front with a 1/4 inch seam, and had stitch to the back. Nothing fancy... I think about adding piping but just have not done that.
I am new to quilting, or I am a guy which ever you chose to use as the answer but I machine quilt everything. If you cant do it with a machine that just means you need a bigger machine right? The hand stitching thing is not for me. Machine bind every thing. I read a tutorial on 2 1/2 inch binding. Fold in half. Binding like you say I sew to edge of quilt I do miter the edges which is way easier then I figured it would be. Then I sew a single line down the bind. The thread is showing figure that its all over on the quilting why not the binding too. I think it looks nice though I am not quite good at doing it strait yet but each quilt I do gets better. Red Pepper Quilts is where I found the binding instruction its on her right menu bar half way down you can find instructions for it.
Love to do binding and know I'm nearing the goal of a finished quilt! I machine stitch one side and hand stitch the other side (love hand stitching!).
I love the Binding process. It's kinda like seeing the finish line for me :) You get to cuddle with the quilt before it goes out to it's recipient :) I too cut 2.5" strips and machine sew on the back, hand sew it on the front. I love the look of invisible stitching. One tip I can offer up for binding is to iron it, then pin it before hand sewing. You can get the corners all lined up and pretty before sewing. It takes a little time but the results are far better for me when I do iron them. I have to admit though sometimes I'm lazy and don't iron : -/
I cut 2.25 to 2.5 strips for binding depending on if i want a little more or less binding. Sew to the front and hand stitch down on the back. If the quilt has any scalloped edges, I do bias binding. I've always hand stitched the binding down but recently saw a gal who uses the 1/4 inch wide steam a seam on a roll to press her edge over~ and then machine stitches from the front in the ditch and her binding looked very nice and even. I might give that a try. ;-) Thanks for the fun!!
Pretty much like you do it. Iron in the seams, machine stitch the front, hand sew the back. Sometimes I miter the corners, sometimes not. I've also folded the backing of the quilt up to the front & used that as "binding". Size is all over the place, anywhere from 1 1/4" to 4" strips, depending on the quilt.
I like to do binding. I cut my strips 2.25", machine stitch to the front with a 3/8" seam and hand stitch the back. I used to cut my strips 2" but I think I tugged too much while stitching the binding down and that made my quilt edges do the wave. I always miter my corners and stitch the miter with a blind stitch on both sides. A quilt judge told me to do this. It does make a neater finish. I have tried several machine binding techniques. I had some success when I glued the binding down on the back before stitching from the front, but still it wasn't neat enough to suit me.
I bind mine pretty much like you do yours. I usually just overlap corners and I like how the look. Someday I'm going to sit down and figure out mitered corners. It looks similar to what you do when you cover a book, but I just haven't taken the time to figure it out.
Well, binding and I go back a few years. First, I didn't know how to mitre or join up the leftover ends so basically my binding was a terrible mess. I took a lesson from a local quilt teacher who happens to live near my house (yay!) and it was the best $10 I ever spend on anything quilting related. I learned how to do the binding quite properly and so far it's worked every time like a charm. If I'm doing a baby sized quilt, I usually just fold a doublefold of the backing over and sew that down as "faux" binding. And some quilts I don't want to hand stitch, so I followed The Plaid Scottie's machine binding tutorial--basically attaching the binding to the BACK of the quilt and then using a zig zag stitch instead of a straight stitch on the front and I have found it really makes a difference for helping your binding stitches look neater and more in a straight line. But, in my opinion, nothing looks better than machine stitched to the front and hand sewn on the back.
For mini quilt, I will used 2" strip for binding. Others I still go to 2.5". I machine quilt the binding to the front and then hand sew it down on the back and sometimes I do it opposite way :)
Well I do my bindings bascially the same way as you but vary the width depending on the size of the quilt and the complete look that I am after. I am thinking I want to try doing it all on my machine to see what that is like and if I like it but I will wait until I have something small for my test project.
I haven't learned to "properly" bind quilts yet, but I have used the four-strip method where two of the strip bend around the corner a bit. It was on a mini-mini quilt so it looks fine. I have to learn ASAP because I have two quilts to bind soon! I do hand-stitch on the back and have learned to do that pretty well (or maybe my eyesight is just getting happily worse - LOL). Thanks for the great discussion and the giveaway.
To me, binding is the worst part of a quilt.
I have hand sewn and machin sewn the binging. I usually use a mitered corner, but would like to learn a easier way. :)
Please enter my name in your giveaway.
Have a great week!
It depends on the piece how wide I cut my binding as well as how I apply it. I do like a double fold binding on quilts though, because of the wear they will receive. I do miter my corners. I straight cut unles I have an odd shape/circle piece - then I make my own bias binding. I prefer to hand sew my bindings, but occassionally charity quilts that might get some heavy washing, I machine stitch and then use a decorative stitch that holds the binding well.
I do my bindings sewn to the front with 2.25" strips, mitered seams all around and then hand stitch it on the back.
I must be completely honest and tell you that I no longer do my own bindings. I hate binding with a passion. It's so boring! But, when I did them, and the person who does them does the same, I used 2.25" strips - sometimes 2.5 - double fold French bindings. I sewed the raw edge down on the front, using Mimi Dietrich's book Happy Endings as the instructions. Hand stitch down on the back. You get beautiful mitered corners, if you sew the corners correctly, but I've had some doozies, too. =)
I've tried sewing with the machine on both sides, and never get it so that I like the way it looks. I've seen other people do it, but not me!
dezertsuz at gmail
I leave the quilt with material for binding with my aunt on the excuse that I will come around and so it later and then I wait until she is sick of the quilt, does the binding and all I have to do is pick it up. Although I do pay her back in kind by sewing other things by hand for her.
I really need to learn how to do binding neatly on quilts. That is my goal for this year.
i do mine in 3 inch strips, fold in half and machine stitch to the top and fold over and hand stitch back. and I miter the corners.
I make it up as I go. 2 inch strips in a long dangle on the floor as I wrap it around the quilt. I am really no good at binding. I have a small quilt in need of one and I think I will attempt to machine the front and actually hand stitch the back.
I usually use a 2.5 inch binding machine sewn to the front with mitred corners and hand sewn on the back. But sometimes I just do it in four straight pieces - one on each side.
Hi Annie! I have several different ways - depends on the quilt. I usually go with mitered corners. Almost always start on machine and finish by hand. Hope you are well.
I machine sew one side, hand sew the other. :)
On most of my bindings, I cut the binding 2.5" wide, then fold it in half and sew the unfinished edge onto the front of the quilt, using a 3/8" seam instead of a 1/4" seam. Then I fold it over and hand stitch it down to the back of the quilt. I do get mitered corners, but, they are pretty easy, and I don't fret over them.
I cut my bindings 2 - 2 1/4" on the straight of grain (unless there are curves or I want a certain effect from the fabric). The strips are sewn together with a diagonal seam to distribute the bulk. Machine stitch to the front of the quilt leaving a tale of six inches or so depending on the size of the quilt, and hand sew the back down. As I approach the corner, I stop 1/4" from the end and take the quilt out from under the needle. Fold the remaining binding straight up, then back down even with the edge of the quilt. Continue stitching around. When I get back to where I started, I fold back the binding ends on themselves, leaving about 1/8" in between. Then fold upwards at a 45 degree angle and cut even with the folded width of the binding on both ends. Sew the two ends together on a diagonal and continue stitching. This is one of my favorite parts of making the quilt. I hope this makes sense.
I have heard so many quilters say they dislike the binding part of the quilt process. It is one of my favorite parts. I cut 2 1/2" strips, fold and press. Machine sew to the front of the quilt. Fold over and hand sew to the back of the quilt. I really love how it looks. I sometime coordinate the binding colour and other times I chose a fabric that is very different in colour and design.
I have only done one binding, on a wall hanging in a class. I didn't even catch all of the material from the quilt top in some places. :( So, I have yet to complete any other quilts--just adding to the flimsy pile! LOL (I did just come back to quilting after a six year hiatus....and I only have three quilt tops lying around-so I am still new to it all!)
So nice of Jeanne to write it out so well. That is exactly as I do it. I had to and I started quilting around the same time and I didn't know how to miter so I ONLY did round corners for about one year. I do have a flimsy now where I'm going to do round corners...after how many years? LOL! Toni
I cut my binding at 2.5 inches, iron it in half, sew it with a 1/4 inch seam by machine on the front side of the quilt and hand stitch it to the back. And make mitred corners. I am not always that happy with the emptiness of the binding and I think I'm going to start sewing it on with a 3/8 seam to see if that improves it. I love how it looks hand sewn. I don't think I would be able to machine sew both sides well enough that I would be happy with it.
I have try all ways of doing a binding. The last one I did the way you did, but used a two and a half wide strip.
If I am doing binding for a quilt, I cut it on the bias, double it over, machine stitch on front of quilt, hand stitch to the back. With smaller projects I just cut straight binding, and handsew both sides. Have never got the hang of mitred corners though.
1) How do YOU do your bindings?
2.5 inches. fold in half (iron) sew on back side. Fold over. Stitch on top. (so you can see my stitches)
2) Do you have several different ways? Maybe different ways for situations...different quilts?
Nope, it's all the same (and easiest for me!)
3) If you do the binding ALL by machine, how do you get good results - where the stitching shows?
I'm still working that out. at least where it doesn't match up on the back :)
I just noticed you followed me!! Hi!! Can I be nosy and ask where you found me?!
I follow the directions in the quilting magazine - cannot remember if it is QNL or QM - french fold binding, strips sewn together on 45 degree, machine sewn to front, hand blind stitch to back, and neat mitres when can. If a baby quilt, like to make rounded corners like you do. I like tight bindings so cut at 2.25 or 2.5 if high loft batting. I am a follower.
I do the pretty standard 2.25-inch straight edge cut binding sewn on by machine most of the time. I also like Ricky Tims binding technique.
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