and, it's REALLY frustrating.
I need help!
(ok, I know...you already know "I need help")
and, it's REALLY frustrating.
I need help!
(ok, I know...you already know "I need help")
I like LUV to follow other people's blogs. There are are
soooo many wonderful people and ideas and it, well,
its just cool to check out what's going on with all the
GREATness in Blogland!
The PRO-BLEM -OH is: with the new blogger face,
(where all of the blog owner stuff is)...
NO blogs
that I follow are listed in the reading list.
When I click on it... Blogger just LIES to me...saying,
"You (meaning ME) are not following any blogs"
o? really?...I don't think so!
Do any of YOU have this problem?
Is there a way to get the (LOTS) of blogs I follow
to show up... so that I can see the partial updates?
Is the only answer
...that I have to write in ALL the links
to ALL the blogs that I am now following?
To enter to win this week this week's
Mystery Monday
....5 fat quarters of YOUR choice,
any comment will do.
(**must be a follower to win)
~~ entries close Saturday May 5th, midnight MT ~~

...to theWinner of last week's
who lives in Washington State.
You can visit her in blogland HERE
Blogger can be evil- log out and back on sometimes help reset it.
My blogs that I follow are listed in my reading list (although I understand your frustration because for awhile they weren't); however, I have no clue as to how/why they are back again and if I did something to make them come back ;>) Thanks for chance to win! (email: marshudson at comcast dot net)
That happened to me once. I justrefreshed the page and it came back. Though it looks like you have having more trouble than that.
Blogger is crazy. And so is google. I can't be in my yahoo account and in flickr at the same time as they are linked to 2 different google accounts. Crazy techno world! Great giveaway btw!!
I get that message from Blogger once in a while too... All I have to do is refresh the page and that usually fixes it.
Sorry Blogger is being a pain, but I really appreciate your efforts! Look forward to reading your posts :-)
Blogger tells me that periodically. I just reload the page and it usually works the 2nd (or 3rd) time!! It's a pain.
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
That would be so frustrating! All the blogs I follow I read in google reader.
Blogger doesn't let me comment using Chrome. Still can't figure out why.
Thanks for the generous giveaway! Hope your Blogger issues work themselves out (not sure why it does what it does!)
I love your blog! I always enjoy your posts.
Hi, So glad I found your blog. I actually found you because I saw that you were following my blog. Nice to meet you, my new blogging friend. I am now following you as well. Nice give away. Maybe I'll get lucky.
@ www.sewmanythingstosay.blogspot.com
I DO have blogger telling me that big fat lie - I'm following LOTS of blogs! Thanks for the chance! jodi - www.cometarrywithme.blogspot.com
A few have already mentioned this, but I just refresh the page to get them back when it happens to me. Once I had to sign out and then back in. Hope you resolve the problem. I am still holding out on the new interface until forced into it - hate sorting out their bugs for them.
Ohhhhhhhh that can be such a pain!! I have experienced the same thing, but not since blogger changed. I don;t know what to tell you....good luck with it, thanks for the giveaway.
Ho-Oh boy, isn't there always something?? From what I understand, unless you have Blogger (is your blog on Blogger?) you will not be able to have the reader. That was one of the big changes they made about a month ago. It is my understanding that you will have to go to each blog that you want to follow and click on their follow button (!!?!??!) or follow via email or RSS. Now it sounds like I know what I'm talking about, but I don't. I'm just remembering that people with typepad, wordpress and other blog hosts can no longer follower in the BLOGGER reader, I think (I know, I know, it does sound like I know what I'm talking about, but you may have to do a google search for more details ;-)
Blogger is such a booger! I've periodically had the same problem - I just refresh and I'm magically following my blogs again! Imagaine that!
Hope you have a great week!
I have the opposite problem.. I unsubscribe from blogs only to have them reappear in my Reader.Sure wish they would leave Blogger along:)
I had that happen a couple of times on the old Blogger but, luckily, not so far on the new one. Usually if I waited a few hours, my list would reappear. I hope this happens for you!! I really wish Blogger would leave everything alone - it was working just fine!
I use my IPad to read my blogs and it seems to work for me. Thanks for the chance to win.
Do you happen to have 2 accounts? (Such as 2 addresses linked to their apps?) If so, you may be logged in to the wrong one? Just a thought...
I had that happening on mine too, but I switched back to the old interface and now see all of them again.
It's done that to me a few times, then I've reloaded the window and they come back?!?! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've been using the new Blogger for months now and I haven't had any trouble at all, so I don't know how to help those that are. I don't understand why the problems are popping up like they are. It's so strange!
Blogger is a temperamental lil guy :) thanks for another giveaway too
I've reverted my blog to the original blog format. I HATE the new format.
have no idea just stumbling around on it my self. would love to win
I hate the new format and found I wasn't reading the blogs like I had been . I reverted back to the old-but only temporarily.
Anyway, yes I have lost my entire blog list. I came back later and refreshed and it came back. Very frustrating when it isn't there.
That happens to me once in a while and I have to get out of it and come back--surprise, there's my list! Crazy!
I have had that happen a few times. The first time I kinda screamed. I couldnt imagine how I was going to get back all my blogs that I was following. I have so many. Like your commenters say, just refresh or log out and back in again. Good luck and thanks for the giveaway.
I have no idea how to fix your problem! I just click on 'follow' and hope for the best! I used to understand it but havnt been in blogland since last summer and it sorta feels like Im having to relearn everything again now I'm back!!! best of luck sorting it out tho & if I discover an epiphany along the way I'll pop back & let ya know! x
If I understood you correctly, I had the same thing happen. I went to my Dashboard and the reading list said I wasn't following any blogs.Like you I follow many! What I did was click on View in Google Reader. There they were. The next time I went to my Dashboard, all the blogs I follow were right there.
I have had that happen. Usually, I close out of Blogger and when I go back it's there again.
LOL the new blogger stinks!!! Just saying!!
I get that message from Blogger once in a while too.I`m too one of frustrated Blogger users.Can´t help.
I wish I had words of wisdom that would help solve your problem but I don't. Hope you get things back the way you want them soon.
I guess this is progress - and we should love to accept change - but it is hard - I am still trying to figure everything out. Hope you do too. Love, sandie
yes i also get out of it and then come back on again and its there,strange,good luck.xx
Lately software hates me and I hate software - specifically blogger, facebook, google, and msn. And.... I used to be a programmer in the olden days. That said, I follow your blog (if it is still working for blogless souls like me). And, I want some of that cake in your winner photo. I do appreciate your Mystery Monday posts - and the healthy recipes too.
Looks like there are some pretty good suggestions in the comments - maybe you can get it working again. Wouldn't you like to get a couple of those blogger programmers in a quiet room? I'd teach them the meaning of the phrase "leave well enough alone!"
I did the same thing as Diann. Maybe her suggestion will help.
Wish I knew more so I could help.
Tenho a felicidade de funcionar muito bem,o meu problema é pagar internete de potência e não ter .É lennnnta...Obrigada pela chance.
Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations to Samantha!
Thanks for another chance at a giveaway. I will share this on my blog too.
I'm still on the old interface...staying on as long as I can lol! I wish I could help ya Annie.
I don't understand my google RSS feed subscriber thingy. I just trust that I am not missing posts, I wonder how I would know if I were???!!! Anyway, I do understand giveaways and I would like very much to win 5 fat quarters so please oh please let the random number generator smile upon me today!
I haven't had that specific problem, but I can relate to how annoying those kinds of problems are. Don't you wish you had someone to call who could explain what the heck is up?
Thanks so much for the giveaway.
I usually log out, refresh and then log back in and all is well in blogger-land.
thanks for the chance
shel704 at aol dot com
How frustrating :( I'd be bereft if blogger lost all my bogland contacts! I hope you find a solution to your problem soon.
I use Flipboard on my iPad to look at Google Reader. It's a gol darn miracle! And May 5th is my birthday. Doesn't that mean I win automatically? I think that's in the Blogger Terms and Conditions.
I think I must have gotten a different version of the new blogger than everyone else because it is showing all of my reading list and I am finding it super easy to use. And it isn't turning my pictures sideways like the old one did. Sorry - I guess that doesn't help you much...
Oh this has happened to me too! It is frustrating and I panic until I refresh Blogger then it all comes back. Phew! I hope yours comes back too. I think I would cry if they didn't all come back. I love all the blogs I follow. Good Luck!
Blogger can be so glitchy! Every now and then i open mine up and it says I am following no blogs! Normally if I refresh they all magically appear! (whew sigh of relief!) Maybe there is a blog monster out there eating up all of our followers??? Who knows! LOL
Wow, you have a lot of smart blog friends. Thanks again for the giveaway.
Blogger can so strange things at times. I've just close out and then restart.
I miss the 'follow' option at the top of the page - because I love skipping around blogland when I get a few minutes. I would love to win your giveaway!
Somewhere on your new blogger face, you can find a button to go back to the old one. Try that!
Thanks for a chance to win.
I think part of the problem with the new blogger is there are still multiple options, but I can't find a place that actually says what each does. To get new-to-me blogs into my blog reader, I go to the top of the blog page and click "Follow" and subscribe. Some blogs don't give me the option to do that--and that's where the copying and pasting comes in--ugh! My time is limited and I don't like to have to go through all that.
(I'd love to win something."
Hmmm...good question! I will have to go check my blogger. To be honest, I have bookmarked all of the blogs I follow and have them in folders according to subject..granted quilting is HUGE! Though getting a brief synopsis of updates would be nice....
every change is a bit difficult to fit in... but squeeze it here and there, try again and voila! it works! it is for me.
I am your new follower.
Thanks for the chance
I wish I understood 1/2 of this, but sadly I don't . I have a blog, but update only sporadically. I use it to show my Ma and a few others back home what I've made. It was linked to Facebook for a while and now it's not (don't know why and cant figure out how to fix it) seems they change it faster than I can learn it. I'd rather be quilting!
I don't have a blog so I can't comment but I do know that the changes have meant that I now need to have two reader style things to follow my favourite blogs.
I don't have a blog but I sure do enjoy yours! Hope you get the kinks worked out - sounds very frustrating!
I'm just starting to blog, only 2 posts so far but I know what you mean it has changed recently! I now use google reader to see the blogs I follow.
...yap, it could be very frustrated. It happened to me once. Anyway, the blogs I follow are showing on my reading list too, so I think it might help.
Thank you for the generous giveaway and have a nice week.
Not yet, but I'm still using the old interface until they force me into the new one, as they did with gmail. I follow by e-mail anyway, but some of those have not been sending to me lately. Yours always comes . . . so far!
Thanks for the chance to win fabric!
That happened to me shortly before blogger changed their format. It took several times to 'refresh' the blog to find the blogs I follow again. I wish they'd quit changing things.
I hope you figured out a fix for that, there's a section in it where you can tell it to list all your blogs and pic and choose from them so it only displays the ones you want it to, but ya, I find it hard enough to navigate that I don't remember where exactly it was, and I updated it just today!
I know SO very little about blogging--- if it's working, then "Yay!" and if it's not, then "Boo!".. :-) Thanks so much for the giveaway!! Quilter's choice fat quarters!!! FUN -- with a capital F, U, N!~~~~ :-)
I've had trouble seeing everything when I use my tablet. It just doesn't load-dashborad Or google reader. Refreshing seems to help, and, with great pressure, switching to Chrome for my browser. I din't wanna, but Blogger just wasn't showing everything until I did (although the tab is still troublesome. Refresh refresh refresh.)
Mine aren't listed either, I'm too new at blogging to even notice that something isn't right. I wish I could find a smartie pants to teach me all of this stuff. Your blog is cute!
I follow you! Blogger gives me fits...but then my computer savvy daughter reminds me...."it's for free, mom, what do you expect?" LOL
where would we be without blogs? I cant even begin to imagine life without them!
I am a brand new follower! love what I've read so far. Thank you!
Blogger reading list frustrates me sometimes too and can not see anything, then suddenly its there. How/why ???
I don't know what to tell you that would help. I haven't had this problem.
It happens to me too. I don't like it too..especially with the new layout now..
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