Do you ever picture wool? this?
Maybe you picture it more
like this... or
But, maybe you've not pictured it like...

These are fleeces freshly shorn off the sheep...
I LUV wool like this...a "clean" fresh shorn and skirted
fleece smells AWEsome....well, to me, anyway.
I LUV to open up the bag, lay the fleece out on a
clean surface and just lay in it. I feel close to the sheep
that it came from =0). Ok, that probably sounds really
crazy to some of you. But, then, if you know me, you know
I'm not exactly "normal". =P
If you would like to read more about washing wool...
click HERE to visit I Play With Fiber (my other blog)
What wools do you have in YOUR life???
I think I would love that too! I live in too hot an area for sheep and wool, so I don't really have a lot around me. I would love to get "into" wool applique, but haven't had time yet. I love the brightly colored dyed wool.
You are a very tactile person. That is great. Nothing wrong with that.
Sounds like fun~ love the colors when it is dyed. :-) Have a happy day!
My girls raised lambs for 4H and one of my favorite things to do was handle the wool after the lambs had been clipped. Nothing like it :)
Okay - you have sheep - shear them - and then make something? I am learning about you all the time. sandie
It sounds heavenly to be able to roll around in the fleece. Unfortunately, I am very allergic to wool. I guess I'll have to confine my rolling around to masses of money like Scrooge McDuck. Thanks for the link about fleece washing. It's amazing, the older I get, the more I realize, I still have lots to learn.
I have a friend who spins, so I've seen it like that, and I love the whole process, though I don't do any of it. Washing it surely makes the hands soft, though! Most of my wool is already spun and dyed when I acquire it, though. =)
very interesting Annie as i had not really thought about it.xx
very interesting Annie as i had not really thought about it.xx
I like the felted wool projects I see out there, I just don't feel I can get into another expensive hobby...but, I did have baby lambs on my grandpa's farm, and to feel that wool with the lanolin still in it is kinda cool!
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