Monday, July 30, 2012

Blog-Slug Flu...and HLS

First, I'm sorry for just dropping "off".   I kept thinking I should write a blog post...but, when I looked to write....
I might have had a bit of "Blog-Slug Flu".  And, that added to
 "HLS" (hectic life syndrom)...well, I just couldn't get the old
cog wheels
primed enough to make a decent blog post brain is kinda stuck and rusty a lot of the time
even with NO EXCUSE at all!  =P

There will be a few changes as I get my blog-Cog wheels moving again.
"bear" with me... =)


Sarah Craig said...

I hope all is well with you, just a blogging dry spell!! You've been missed!

Anonymous said...

hope you are better soon Annie,and witty post.xx

sunny said...

Glad to hear you're okay. I've been worried about you! Get soe rest when you can, and your mojo will be back.

Karen O said...

I've been worried too! So glad to know you are ok!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Ditto sweetie - miss ya!

renae said...

I have missed you so!!!!!! I really thought you had died in a car accident (sad)


We had barely started knowing each other and then pooof - you were absent!!!


Terri said...

see I told you so! (that people missed you)

busyascanbe said...

So glad to hear you are OK you have been missed!

Michele said...

You make us all worry. Not good. Hope you are ok and just too busy with other obligations. Come back when you can.

Marcia W. said...

Welcome back! Hope to read more from you soon!

Linda said...

Many bloggers have hit that wall like you have. Just take care of yourself. We'll miss you, but blogging should not be first on your priority list. When you get going again, we'll love it!

Pokey said...

It's all good, Annie! I was thinking of you, I used some of my pretty RED winnings in my great granny squares, FYI. Get energized, and we will be here when you feel up to it!
hugs, pokey

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Take your time and then come back! We'll be waiting for you!! Feel well!

Chatty Crone said...

I have been wondering where you were. sandie

Deb said...

I have been wondering where you were. Don't stress about blogging. Just rest and take some "you" time. We will still be here when you return xx

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh I think that happens to all of us. Life is meant to be fun - not to be a slave to your blog. Right?

Anonymous said...

I *wondered* why I hadn't seen anything on here, but then, it's summer. Love your "rebus" post!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

You are missed, but I totally understand the blog slug. I get that way, too.

Miss Hillbilly said...

It's just good to know that you are still around :)