It's 2013!
When I was a teenager in the late 1960's, I would've never guessed
how FAST time could fly!
There have been sooo many changes to the world since then!
But, I won't bore you with all those changes...right now.
What I really want to say is...
It's a new year and I'm grateful for the fresh start
that a new year brings!
I can look back and see where I can try to improve for the next
12 months. I would like to be a better wife, mom, grandma and friend.
I would like to make greater efforts to get more projects finished, as
well as find some new things to learn. I want to be more careful about
commitments that I make, so that I can honor them and still not feel
overwhelmed with too much to do. I need to get busy with some lists!
To celebrate the opportunity for a fresh start.
And to begin a New Year of blogging with some fireworks,
... I'd like to do a giveaway!
Sound like a good idea to you??
There will be three choices of things that you can win:

~~~~ So here's the deal ~~~~
Please leave a comment about
what you might want to do with the New Year's fresh start?
I will choose a winner from those comments posted.
(*you must be a follower to win)
Entries will be closed:
Monday Jan 7th at midnight Mountain Time
The winner will be contacted Tuesday Jan 8th to ask what
choice of books they would like. If the winner doesn't respond
within 48 hours, another winner will be drawn.
Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and
you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose.
– not the one you began with perhaps, but one
you’ll be glad to remember. -Anne Sullivan

I started reading a One Year Bible today. Happy New Year!
happy new year Annie,i would like to start the new year more organised and i hope to get a lot of sewing done this year.
I am an a happy anonymous follower of your blog Annie.xx
I hope to get a lot of sewing done this year. I want to be so organised by next Christmas that I won't be panicking trying to finish off presents!
Happy 2013! Such a good post. Hoping to find a bit of Joy in each day and keep a journal to re-read this time next year :-)
Happy New Year sweetie, love hearing from you. I just want to make it a slow year - a year to just enjoy each day.
Bem...No ano 2012 consegui fazer e terminar tudo que estava negligenciado.Foi uma vitória.Este ano que se inicia,a minha palavra é:Organizaçã,trabalho,filhos e até para o meu marido já comprei uma grande cômoda para a papelada(e ai dele se não manter arrumado...)Tem horas que se não decidir ser e ter organização,a vida vai ficando "bagunçada" junto.QUERER,PODER e CONSEGUIR,já estou mentalizando isso.Obrigada.FELIZ ANO TODO!!!
Happy New Year! I need to declutter my house. I am such aq sentimental packrat, its going to be tough.
Thanks for the chance to win! (I won one of your giveaways and stocked up on some solid pastels, a girl can never have too many)
Happy New Year to you too!! I'm hoping to finished at least 12 of my UFOs in 2013.
Annie I would like to get back into quilting this new year.Happy New Year to you.
Happy new year. Isn't it amazing how quickly the time goes?
I hope to do some purging in closets and cupboards this year.
OK, it's the same goal as last year (but you did say "fresh start") - I want to finish up more of my UFO's!
This year I am going to be much more mindful of choosing healthier food and make time for realistic exercise.
I am not going to buy any more fabric nor bookmark any more projects - I am going to be more mindful of what I have on hand already. Happy New Year to you and thanks for the giveaway :)
Happy new year! Thank you for the fun giveaway! I'm using my fresh start to re-organize and do better than I did last year. ;-) I'm a happy follower and it is great to see you blogging!
Happy New Year. I hope 2013 is a successful year for you.
This year I am hoping to be a better mum, be more organised so I can sew/craft more and be healthier.
I am a follower and love reading your posts.
I would like to start early and have several items made by Christmas this year. You know, a sewing stress free Christmas.
By the way, Happy New Year :D
I am hoping to eat healthier, get more done outside (garden, chickens, etc), and spend more time with my hubby this new year.
I am a happy follower and read your blog thru Google reader.
Happy New Year Annie!
I'm planning on doing more pilates and gardening and of course finishing some UFO's!!
I'm a happy follower!
I would like to make a commitment to myself to blog more often. I always have some project going and I need to blog about WIP's and not just finishes.
Happy new year! I'm planning to finish some UFOs from my stash. So, I'm doing some cleaning on my stash.
Happy new year -for me it would be doing more exercise especially Pilates to guard against stiffening up from sitting too long at the sewing machine !!
To begin the new year I am starting off in an organized manner. Calendar posted and marked. Clutter being dealt with as I encounter it. (That is going to take a LONG time.) Each step forward, I'm going to try to be organized, then I can work on the disorganization that has crept (creeped?) into my life.
I would like to(I will) start reading books more and sewing on the quilts I have abandoned.
I love new beginnings, and I hope to use what I'm already blessed with, and hopefully get it all organized a bit better! Happy New Year to you, Annie ~
Happy New Year !!! I want to stop spending hours on the net and get on and sew :)
Happy New Year Annie, here is my resolution for 2013 “Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.” Siobhan x
I would like to choose some smaller household projects to complete this year. I don't have any small quilted projects in my home. I have only completed one hexagon quilt that is on my bed so far but I would like some quilty things like pot holders and table runners and table toppers and placemats etc to show that I am really a quilter who loves quilting.
Don't tell my boss, but I might like to try a new job this year!
Happy New Year to you!! :)
I'm planning on getting better organized and get rid of all the clutter and items that I haven't used in the last year. And of course keep progressing in my learning to quilt and go beyond table runners to bigger projects. :)
I want to be better about my quilting!
A fresh start means renewed effort to restore my health. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I'm a quilter and follower. Book #1 would be my pick.
I want to make 'progress' this year. I have lots of projects (not all quilting) that I need to make some progress on, if I can't finish them. A little progress each month, then, maybe by the end of the year, many of them will be DONE!
I'm going to eat less sugary food in 2013 and work harder to eat healthier in general as well as to continuing de-cluttering the house :)
Thank you for helping to motivate us to "keep on keeping on." I'm working on trying to live in the moment. To enjoy each day, each person, each opportunity, each book, each meal, each quilt, each meal, each cup of coffee, each ...
I'm trying to throw out anything that simply clutters up my life (and my home!)and isn't beautiful or useful, in preparation for a move later in the year. This will be a fresh start to a new phase in my life without my dear husband who passed away suddenly a few months ago. I have much to learn this year :-)
I officially start my new life as a US Navy RN this year. I finished my second bachelor's degree in December. And my goal is to make it to the pool 5 days a week. So far so good.
I love winning quilt pattern books.
My personality lends itself to doing things on the spur of the moment. I've bought a lot of fabric this way, and now it's giving me panic attacks because it's all sitting around ready to be made into something. So, my fresh start would be to make a list, check it twice, and get some things crossed off of it so I feel 'accomplished'! Happy New Year for you!
I really tried hard to keep up with your weight loss/exercise challenge, but lost interest and fell by the wayside. This year, I hope it will be different. I really want to get healthy. Tomorrow is my first day of the Curves Challenge. I have my menu ready and in addition to exercising at Curves 3 times a week, I have also signed up for 3 classes of Cardio/Core work with a teacher who is very encouraging. I am determined to live an independent life and not be a burden to my children as I age. The only way I can accomplish that is to stay healthy.
I am in the process of cleaning the house, getting rid of what we don't use, when the sewing room is finished it will be time to start on my charity quilts..
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