Friday was busy with errands, one of which was to go to a real estate office to get some copies of escrow documents for a longtime friend. Her and her husband recently bought a second house that is a rental. But, there were so many mishaps and she was being bullied around by the previous owner's
management company. This is her first experience with buying an existing rental property. The seller's agent, her agent, the title company...all dropped the ball with regards to information on paperwork securing the rights of a new owner as a landlord. The management company totally refused to give the deposits that were given to them by the tenants. And, on top of that they spoke rudely as they informed my friend that they were washing their hands of the agreement with the current tenants, that they had no obligations to do anything with a new owner. It infuriates me when people see someone vulnerable, they just turn their face and hurry away or they directly take advantage. This was happening to my friend and I had to help. So, my husband and I spent several hours on Thursday evening looking over the documents my friend received. We noticed that many things had gone wrong along the way...and it had started even before escrow was closed and money transferred. We have bought and sold rental properties over the years, and we know certain things that should be included in an offer and on closing documents. My friend didn't. (You would think that between TWO real estate agents and a Title Company that there would have been SOME knowledge of how things should be done??) So, we decided to help her out and talk with people to get something going on her behalf. We wanted to make sure she got the monies due her from the unscrupulous Management Company. We also wanted to make sure that she had a legal document between her and the those renting the property that she now owned. Husband and I did get a chance to have a nice lunch out, after the errands. =)
Update: I found out this evening, that all things with the rental problem, have been resolved. =)
Update: I found out this evening, that all things with the rental problem, have been resolved. =)
Saturday I went the Knittin Pretty. yarn shop. I met a friend there about noon and we worked on our projects while chatting with the owners and other ladies that dropped in. I had a pair of socks that I had been working on ( pre-Sweet Tomato Heel). The old-traditional heel had gotten me stuck and so I thought that being at a knit store could be advantageous to getting over the "mid-evil" (mis-spell intended) way of doing sock heels. I was right!! I got the boost I needed and now the socks are well on their way to being completed...
It started to snow big flakes outside the knitting store window. It was about 3pm by then and outside it was getting cold fast. The friend that met me there had offered to take me home. Where I live has several roads that are steep hills and when it snows it can be VERY slippery. My husband was going to be gone until about 10pm. He and our daughter were going to watch the U of U gymnastic meet. My friend and I had planned to go get a bite to eat after the knit shop. Then she was going to come my house for awhile to get me started on a pair of knit-felted slippers. Those plans were quickly, sadly smashed by the looks of the weather. I didn't want her to drive home in bad weather and icy roads, especially when it was dark. She drove me home while it was still daylight. I hung out in the evening and did some spinning. It was relaxing...but, not as much fun as it would've been had my friend been able to stay.
Sunday came and reading a book (Pillars of the Earth) just started absorbing the morning hours. Late morning brought on a bad tummy ache. Something I ate, did NOT want to stay with me and it was loudly/painfully complaining. So glad that I was able to stay home, in my PJs and deal with it. I did do a bit more spinning, and some reading too...between visits to the "powder room". I did get to feeling better by late afternoon. We ended up watching some of the Grammy Awards and I did a bit more knitting on my (old tradition heel) socks.
"Mid-evil" traditional sock heel on the right..
Boy...the weekend went fast! And, now it's almost Tuesday!

How was your weekend? Did you have time to rest or relax...or do anything fun?
It started to snow big flakes outside the knitting store window. It was about 3pm by then and outside it was getting cold fast. The friend that met me there had offered to take me home. Where I live has several roads that are steep hills and when it snows it can be VERY slippery. My husband was going to be gone until about 10pm. He and our daughter were going to watch the U of U gymnastic meet. My friend and I had planned to go get a bite to eat after the knit shop. Then she was going to come my house for awhile to get me started on a pair of knit-felted slippers. Those plans were quickly, sadly smashed by the looks of the weather. I didn't want her to drive home in bad weather and icy roads, especially when it was dark. She drove me home while it was still daylight. I hung out in the evening and did some spinning. It was relaxing...but, not as much fun as it would've been had my friend been able to stay.
Sunday came and reading a book (Pillars of the Earth) just started absorbing the morning hours. Late morning brought on a bad tummy ache. Something I ate, did NOT want to stay with me and it was loudly/painfully complaining. So glad that I was able to stay home, in my PJs and deal with it. I did do a bit more spinning, and some reading too...between visits to the "powder room". I did get to feeling better by late afternoon. We ended up watching some of the Grammy Awards and I did a bit more knitting on my (old tradition heel) socks.
Just need to decrease to make the toe...
Sweet Tomato Heel - blue one on the right
Which do you think would fit a "normal" foot better?
The "pink" sock heel on the right is the same as the lavender one in the above pictures, eee-GADZ, how can it change so much with a bit different lighting?? Oh well, the real point with this picture is to show the difference between these two ways to knit a sock heel. The one on the right is a buhzillion times easier to knit too! =) Can you tell that I'm sold on it?
Boy...the weekend went fast! And, now it's almost Tuesday!

How was your weekend? Did you have time to rest or relax...or do anything fun?
I really enjoyed reading your blog message. You have all kinds of talents. I knit as well but haven't picked up my needles for a couple of years! Love your socks. I was pretty good about getting to the gym. Christmas got in the way and need to get back to routine. Keep up the good work with the miles. You are inspiring me to get back at it! Maybe tomorrow :).
I don't knit, but I would truly love a smooth heel in my sock than a bunched up area.
My Question Of The Week on my blog was "What did you do this past weekend?". My own answer was: Watch my husband walk. He finally got a epidural spinal injection that worked and made it possible for him to stand and walk pain free. It doesn't get much better than that. I will have to agree that your weekend was a lot more productive than mine:)
Girl is there anything you can't do? I mean really?
I loved to hear what you did this past weekend - and I kind of went with you.
Let's see - I helped on a research paper about Harriet Tubman!!
Love yah, sandie
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